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ATHENA ADDAMS LOVED HER DAD. He was the only parent she has since her mom left. Sure they butted heads and disagreed but she still was close to him. Chandler Bing on the other hand, hated his parents. And now, when Nora Bing was about to appear on tv, he dreaded it more than anything.

"Y'know, we don't have to watch this. Weekend at Bernie's  is on Showtime, HBO, and Cinemax." Chandler said, grimacing at the tv.

"No way, forget it!" Rachel said excitedly. "C'mon, she's your mom." Joey said.

"Exactly." Chandler said, running a hand through his hair as he stepped into the kitchen, "Weekend at Bernie's! Dead guy getting hit in the groin twenty, thirty times! No?" He asked, grabbing a tub of ice cream out of the freezer.

Rachel smiled, "Chandler, I gotta tell you, I love you mom's books! I cannot get on a plane without one, this is so cool!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

Chandler rolled his eyes, opening the silverware drawer, grabbing two spoons and handing one to Athena, who smiled gratefully at him, "Well, you wouldn't think it was cool if you're eleven years old and all your friends are passing around page 79 of 'Mistress Bitch'." He grumbled.

"C'mon Chandler, I love you mom! I think she's a blast." Ross said, turning to the tv.

"You can say that because she's not your mom." Chandler replied, opening the ice cream and turning it toward Athena, who dipped her spoon in.

"You're not excited at all to see your mom on tv?" Athena asked, as Chandler and her walked toward the others, "No. I'm thrilled." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"When did Rigatoni get back from Rome?" Ross sneered as Rachel and Paolo kissed. "Last night." Monica replied, looking at her brother.

Athena scooped more ice cream onto her spoon, looking up and meeting Chandler's eyes, "What?"

Chandler shook his head, "Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Hey hey hey, she's on!" Phoebe yelled, bringing everyone's attention to the tv, where Jay Leno was introducing Chandler's mom.

"Ah Nora Bing!" Paolo said, pointed at the television, earning a glare from Chandler.

"Now what is this about you being arrested in London? What is that all about?" Leno asked from the tv.

"Your mom was arrested?" Athena asked, reaching into the ice cream again. "Shhhh, busy beaming with pride!" Chandler said, eyeing the tv.

"This is kind of embarrassing...but occasionally..after I've been intimate with a man...I just get this craving for Kung Pow Chicken." Nora Bing said, causing Chandler's eyes to widen, "THAT'S TOO MUCH INFORMATION!" He exclaimed, before stomping over to the kitchen table. Athena stayed behind the couch, watching the tv curiously.

"...I'm leaving for New York tomorrow, which I hate. But I get to see my son, who I love."

"Awww!" The group said, turning to Chandler.

"This is the way I find out. Most moms use phones." Chandler said, turning back to his ice cream. Athena frowned, walking over to Chandler, sitting next to him, "I'm sure it'll be fine. Maybe try talking to her?"

Chandler shook his head, "I can''s-complicated."

"I'm a fabulous mom! I bought my son his first condoms!"

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