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 "So like mommy said I've been occupied love bug because mommy's been trying to get work done for next week so we can go somewhere together," she said as we sat together in the living room after the little incident "but I'm so so sorry baby for making it seem like I don't like you anymore because I really do you're so precious and sweet and just so cute princess so please never run away like that ever again you nearly gave me a heart attack! If you ever have any problems or feel uncomfortable talk to mommy okay. " She continued and gave me a stern look towards the end before kissing my head softly. I nodded kissing her on the cheek, happy she still likes me. "Good girl" she cooed at me smiling. Before long mommy decided I can stay up a little more than usual since I took a nap and she even said we could watch movies together!

"How about you go pick out a movie for us baby, while I make popcorn? They are in the cabinet under the tv remember" I was so excited I was practically bouncing as I made my way towards the DVDs, hmmmm I think we should watch James and The Giant Peach I hope mommy likes it. I grab us my favoritest blanket ever! It was so cute it was black but had cute little golden stars andddd was soooooo fuzzy! I giggled hiding under the blanket as I hear mommy's footsteps coming closer after putting the movie in. "Oh noooo wheres my baby girl!" she said dramatically and I giggled some more before peaking from out beneath my blankie. "Is she under..... here?'' she said looking under a chair causing a loud laugh to erupt and me to pop all the way out. "Boo mommy!" I said giggling as she comes over and kisses my head before hoisting me slightly and sitting me on her lap. I gladly accept snuggling into her watching and begin to watch the movie happily. With mommy occasionally peppering kisses on my head. Before I knew it my eyes began to droop and the last thing I remember of the movie was hearing "Marvelous things will happen."

The sun glistened in my eyes causing me to wake up snuggling into what I knew was mommy. Softly I giggled we fell asleep watching our movie, softly I peck her lips and head to the kitchen. 10:53 pm the stove read. Hmmm maybe mommy and I can have a picnic! I quickly yet quietly as possible went upstairs and looked around before finding my former backpack, the one I had before mommy gave me a new one, and I began to make us lunch. Occasionally id check on mama though as I made us some sandwiches and packed us some fruit gummies, chips, and juice boxes too. I really hope she likes it. I grabbed a blanket out before sneakily going outside and laying it down along with the bag with food in the shade. I rushed upstairs and changed into a white flowy dress and did some light natural makeup before throwing my hair into a ponytail with some cute little flower clips into it to.

Slowly I made my way downstairs and towards mommy. I softly planted kisses all over her beautiful face trying to wake her up before tenderly kissing her lips I giggled gently knowing she was awake as she kissed pack her hands grabbing my face.

"Good morning baby" she said after pulling back and running her thumb across my blushing cheeks. "Such a pretty girl" she cooed softly and smirked as she saw my blush darken. "Mommy me have a surprise for you" I smiled excitedly looking into her eyes. "Oh really?" she asked curiously and I nodded happily. "Get dressed missy and meet me out back" I said giggling and running off. I went to the edge of the yard picking some flowers hiding them beside me before setting out all of our yummy food. Soon Mama came out looking breathtaking in some highrise olive shorts with a white tank top and smiled when she saw me.

"Did someone make us lunch?" she said sitting in front of me her eyes looking around taking in everything around her. I blushed and nodded before grabbing the flowers and handed them to her "For mommy" she smiled and I swear I saw a pretty blush set on her cheeks.

Then we had a nice little picnic eating and having nice little talks.


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