He's a WHAT?!

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Some notes for beginners in omegaverse:

Alpha: leaders, biggest in built, scent is a strong earthy wooden smell. Can knot.
Beta: basically your everyday human. does not rely in scents. can be a big help to omegas in heat.
Omega: (male) softer, gentler on the roles. Scent may vary: sweet, citrus-y, etc. Experiences heat. Can get pregnant.

This is just going to be light, nothing angsty (for once!!!) and fluffy at the end. Coz yay! who doesn't like jeongcheol family!!! <3


"Hyung! Hyung! Help me!" a crying Mingyu came running towards him. Seungcheol stood up from where he's seated, his toy truck on his hand. "What's wrong Mingyu?"

"There's this hyung in the park! He's bullying everyone!" Mingyu continued to cry, clinging onto him. "Please come, hyung! He's making everyone cry!"

"It's alright Mingyu. Come. I'll deal with this." Seungcheol straightened his back and readied his 8 year old self for a fight. "Come, show me where he is."

From a distance, Seungcheol can already see a group of kids gathered near the swing. His friends Jun, Jihoon and Soonyoung were all there. He can see Jihoon arguing with someone while Jun tries to mediate and Soonyoung throwing flailing around. When Jun saw him, he immediately called, "Hyung! Help!"

Seungcheol went closer, "What's going on?" he asked Jihoon. But before the latter can even answer, an unfamiliar voice asked him, "And who are you?" Seungcheol turned to see the root of the commotion, "Who are you?" he asked back. There stood a kid, slightly taller than him but smaller in built. He hadn't seen him before.

"What, are you their bodyguard?" the other kid asked. His tone condescending.

Seungcheol held his head higher, not wanting to look fazed. "They are my friends. Why are you making them cry?"

Soonyoung then suddenly wailed, "Hyung, he took my toys! Punch him!" Seungcheol saw the other kid, who's right about his age, widen his eyes at Soonyoung, making the younger one cry even harder.

"It's not nice to get somebody else's toys. Give them back and I'll let you off." Seungcheol dared. It doesn't matter if this other kid is taller, he's sure he can knock him down with a single blow.

"You don't scare me. Go away!" the other kid said, waving him off. "Pathetic betas." he muttered under his breath but Seungcheol heard it. Feeling a surge of anger build up inside him, he grasped the other's shirt and punched him square in the face.

The other fell down, shocked to his core. He brought up a hand to touch the part of his lip that got hit. He's bleeding.

Seungcheol panicked. It was his first time punching someone. And he made him bleed! He was just about to go down on his knees and help the other up when a blow came directly at him. The kid punched him too!

A fist fight ensued right after with the smaller ones cheering for Seungcheol. Soon enough, their parents saw them and broke them apart. Seungcheol got in so much trouble that night. His dad left him to sleep in the foyer. But he felt a slight sense of fulfillment because he was able to protect his friends.

Seungcheol did not see the other kid that much the following days. Not until one day after school, he saw him at the park again, sat on the bench- his knees held up to his chest. He's crying.

Seungcheol is a bit hesitant to approach, considering what happened the last time they were face to face, but the other just looked so lonely, sobbing uncontrollably. So he went to ask him what's wrong.

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