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In celebration of reaching 3,000 hits!! Thank you everyone!!! ❤️❤️

Also a few notes:
Major time slip
Recessive means weaker/ opposite of dominant.
I will be using the term 'parent link' a lot. So here's what it means:

Remember Seungcheol's mom saying she feels for him? That's exactly that. A child is linked to his/her parent (the one who gave birth, in this case Jeonghan, being the omega-dad) and the link will only fade once the offspring is blood mated.

Anyways, please enjoy. :)
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
"Hannie..." Seungcheol scooted closer and then whispered, "Hansol is sleeping.." Jeonghan welcomed the arms snaking its way around his waist. "Are you sure?" He mumbled sleepily. Seungcheol nodded furiously, eyes wide with determination.

Jeonghan spared a glance to the clock, "Cheol, it's 4am.." but when he looked back at Seungcheol all he saw was big puppy eyes. And how does one say no to that?

"Come here.." Jeonghan reached for the older man to wrap his arms around his neck. Understanding what that meant, Seungcheol quickly closed the distance between their lips. Their kiss reeked of hunger and frustration as teeth and tongue worked on each other. Seungcheol hurriedly unbuttoned Jeonghan's top— almost ripped it due to impatience while Jeonghan palmed his growing erection. "Shit Hannie i want you so much." Seungcheol groaned into their kiss. Jeonghan's reply was a quick movement of his hand dipping inside the other's pajama bottoms. "Ahh—"Came Seungcheol's breathy moans.

Jeonghan stroke him with intent, wanting this as much as the other. "Get the fucking lube, Cheol." He could not mask his frustration either. Jeonghan withdrew his hand and hurriedly got rid of his own pajama. Seungcheol stretched to reach for the lube in the bedside drawer. He lifted his behind to slide off his clothes. Once done, Jeonghan was quick to straddle him. "Shit..." Seungcheol grunted when their erections brushed against each other.

Jeonghan wasted no time coating Seungcheol's length with the lube and hoisted himself up to level his entrance with it. Seungcheol gripped his hips in panic, eyes wide and questioning, "Hannie wait what are you doing??"

"We dont have much time.. you gotta be up for work in 3 hours." Jeonghan explained.

"But it's been a while, i need to prep you properly."

Jeonghan leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on the other's lips. "It's fine, i prepped myself earlier."


"Just—-" Jeonghan sighed. "Do you want this? Like, really really want this?" He asked. "You have no idea, Hannie. I just want to be inside you and make love to you and— fuck." Jeonghan ground their hardness together, stroking both of them with his hands. "Then shut up and let me." Fuck. Jeonghan looks so sexy taking control. Fuck fuck fuck.

Just as when Jeonghan's guiding Seungcheol's length into him—-


Jeonghan collapsed on top of Seungcheol. "How is he awake again?" Jeonghan sighed exasperatedly. Seungcheol wanted to curse. I should check on him Hannie." He said, tapping Jeonghan's thigh. The latter straightened himself and said, "No, i'll check on him. You need to sleep."

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