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So who's the big fat liar?

Apparently, me!

Sorry, i tried to cramp everything into one chapter but it's gotten really long and i felt like i made the necessary cut. So please please, look forward to the next (and last, promise!) chapter.


Jeonghan grips tight on the bottle in his hand as he strolled mindlessly around the park. Why is fate this hard on him? What ever did he do to deserve all this? Why now when he's finally accepted the sad reality that he will never be the Alpha he thought he would be? Why now when he's just reconnected with his precious friend?

He kicks on a rock. He just wants to disappear. He just wants to crawl under a rock and hide himself there. He just wanted a simple and quiet life. But look at him now: an omega, unmated and pregnant.

How even is he going to face Seungcheol? He's ruined his friend's life. Seungcheol didn't want to settle down-- at least not yet. And Jeonghan isn't even sure he'd want to settle with him. Keeping this baby means he will force himself onto his friend and Jeonghan didn't want that-- didn't want Seungcheol to stay with him out of pity and obligation. His heart hurts even thinking about it.

He opens his hand and looks at the bottle- the medicine the doctor gave him to terminate the pregnancy. He didn't have to undergo any surgery since the fetus is in its early stages. He just has to drink the medicine and he will bleed for a few days and that's that-- easy way out. Seungcheol doesn't even have to know. Although that's most likely not the case because by now Joshua must have told him.

Jeonghan hesitates on going back to Seungcheol's place. What if he's there? What do I tell him? Would it be better if I just leave without telling him? Jeonghan tips his head back in frustration. This is all too much. It hasn't even sunk on him that he's an omega. His heat phase was all but a blur. Seungcheol touching him.... damn.. Seungcheol mated with him.. And now he's carrying his child. What an upturn of events.

He stops walking, looks down, eyes fixed on his taut stomach. He lingers his hand over there... but settles his palm on top of his clothed stomach anyway. I'm pregnant.. he finally admits for the first time. A child will grow inside me. Seungcheol's child. He can't help but give a bitter smile. Despite everything that's happened, a small part of him is happy he's carrying a part of Seungcheol with him. He's happy it's with his bestfriend. He wouldn't want to have it any other way.

But Jeonghan pops his own bubble. Seungcheol is not interested with him. He's nothing but just a friend for the alpha. Heck, even Jeonghan isn't sure if he's into the other man. Yes, Seungcheol is perfect in his eyes... but does he see him that way? Romantically? Does he like him enough to want to try and start a family with him? Jeonghan is uncertain. His life is a mess. And he's pretty sure he's about the ruin his friendship with the only person he's truly ever been friends with.

But it's his child too... Jeonghan contemplates. Wouldn't deciding on his own taking away Seungcheol's right as the father? He didn't want to hurt Seungcheol that way. Not after storming in his life and creating such a huge mess. No. He has to make this decision with him.

Taking a deep breath, Jeonghan allows himself to go over his decision one last time. Then he fishes his phone from his pocket, turning it on to message his bestfriend.

'Cheol, we need to talk.'


Jeonghan quietly enters the apartment. He found Seungcheol's shoes on the porch. He's home.

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