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Alright, first things first. A little background/explanation on the nature of this fic.

ABO is freeform already as it is, but in this fic I decided i'll add more fluidity by tweaking.changing some terms.

First off, this is NOT a werewolf story. They are humans. Think of it as humanity evolving that allows them to have TWO genders. First gender (male.female) determined on birth and second gender when they reach their teen years up to 24 years old. During these years, they can either present as an alpha, beta or omega. (you'll find out in this chapter why Jeonghan thought he's a beta instead of an omega)

Second, MATING does not mean BONDING. Mating is the act itself while bonding is the term used for the connection between the alpha and the omega.

Now this is where I tweaked something. In this fic we will have TWO kinds of bonding. First: Emotional bond: state wherein the alpha and the omega starts to have feelings for each other. This bond is a little tricky because it might happen without the A/O knowing. However, emotional bonding does not mean they are bonded for life.

Second: Blood bond: is the ultimate act of becoming one. (like marriage) this only happens when both parties are consenting. To perform the blood bond, the omega will have to cut a little on his scent gland and the alpha will lick it/ take in a little of his blood. This action also allows the alpha to permanently scent the omega as his. Once the cut heals, it will form a unique scar (kinda like a white tattoo) on the omega's scent gland. From then on, the omega will sport the same scent as his alpha and can therefore no longer be claimed by other alphas.

Slick, by the way is a form of self-lubricant discharged by the omega.

Also, just to give a heads up. This fic will contain breastfeeding omega so if you're not comfortable with that, I suggest not reading this.

I will add more terms on the last chapter. :) I'm sorry this note was lengthy. I have to make sure everyone understands the concept.

PS: big thanks to Yuki for helping me get out of my writer's block. I had intended to update this sooner but i'm simply stuck! If it weren't for this amazing sister i have, i might still be lurking and dry lmao! ILYSM HUN <3 I'm so lucky to have you!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)


"He's in heat." Joshua, Seungcheol's closest friend and a beta, said as he looked over at Jeonghan. "Why were you two even sleeping beside each other? Of course an alpha will trigger an omega's heat, Seungcheol."

Seungcheol is seated on the couch, hands on his head. He's a mixture of sleepy and panicked. "Shua, I didn't know. He said he's a beta."

"Wait, so.. he didn't know? You mean to tell me this is his first heat?" Shua's eyes grew even wider. "Seungcheol! Don't you know how dangerous it is for him at this point? He needs an alpha to take care of him! And how come you don't know this? You're an alpha you're supposed to know how to care for your omega."

"I'm not his alpha." Seungcheol said. He knew about omegas and their heat. He knew about it-- but obviously not well enough. He grew up in a family of all-alphas. They were taught the basics, alright. But he's really not prepared for this.

"Take off your shirt." Shua suddenly commanded him. "Faster, take off your shirt!" so he did and gave it to the beta. Joshua entered the room and gave it to Jeonghan who immediately took it and sniffed.

Joshua went out and closed the door behind him. "Don't go in there unless you really need to. He's craving for your scent. Just give him your shirt to at least help him get by. Most heats run for 3 to 5 days so just hide him there until it passes." the Shua collects his things. "I have a patient coming in, you think you'll be able to hold out until I come back later tonight? I'll get some suppresants from the clinic."

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