Part - 1

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He grabbed me by my shoulders and pinned me to the wall..... Looked towards my chocolate brown orbs....

"I'm Sorry".. I heard a faint Mumble from his mouth.... Before I gasp what he said correctly...

He kissed me on my neck region , with all passion for whole one minute I think.... Again he gave me a glare like he's seeking some permission from me....

Before I do or say something he again kept his lips on the same place but he didn't kissed there now..... Instead he bit me there..... His teeth is on my soft skin.... I left a painfull moan from my mouth.... He didn't moved away from me... I don't know what to say.... It's giving me so much pain .....

"Dii....." I heard a loud voice from the door making me jump out of my place....

"What Ri , you scared me "..... I said looking towards my two years younger sister of mine.... She rolled her eyes at me.... I shrugged my shoulders at that.... I was so engrossed in the book that , I didn't hear her calls.... What to do....

"What make you visit me at this time", I said looking towards my book which was I reading before some minutes...

"Oh.... I came here to call you dii ", she said being annoyed by my question....

"And Which book is your current pray my dear sister", she said with a tint of sarcasm....

Rolling my eyes at her I replied "The Werewolf" , I know that by now she will be looking at me in disbelief.... I don't know why but I love to read about them....

"Dii.... I told you many times to stop reading about them.... Why the hell you read about a never existing thing"... She said with somewhat irritated face....

"Why the hell you have problem with that I'm reading , I'm a reading a book right.... I know you don't believe about them but I do..... I know they are existing creatures " ...... I huffed at her questions..

" You always read about them and irritate me by saying about them.... I have enough knowledge about Werewolves then why the hell you also do that... I'm regretting that our Papa had a big library and containing all sorts of books including the Werewolves books... " She said being mad at me....

"I know that I always Irritates her by saying about Werewolves and all.... But that doesn't mean she always provokes me to stop reading their books.... " I murmured to myself....

"Dii.... Don't say that , I feel irritate when you say I also provokes you to Stop reading about them"..... Gouri said with a  Irritate voice....

"How the hell you know, what I said in my myself..." 🤨🤨 "Are you a WEREWOLF "..... I asked with a suspicious look on my face....

She looked shocked when I asked , Is she a Werewolf.... Like I caught her lie... I shrugged off it...

"I think the damn stories are getting onto your mind My dear sister , that's why you are doubting that I'm also a WEREWOLF so the answer is YES ".... Gouri said with a smirk....

Gouri's pov

I saw my sister shocked expression when I said I'm a Werewolf.... I think she believed me , I felt quite nervous.... Then I hear a big laughter that my sister is laughing her heart out.... It broke my thoughts.... I gave a irritating look to her making her laugh more....

Pov end

"I'm going to dress for the party Gouri , be ready ".... I said after my hilarious laughter and keeping that book which I was reading in the shelf safely and I slowly headed towards my room from the study ......

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