Part - 2

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"What the hell happened to this car".... I felt more annoyed now.... The damn car stopped in the middle of the way... I was alone in the damn isolated road... No one is there to help me.... I groaned thinking that I will be late on party....

Annika's POV

Gouri had left the home before half and hour..... because after descending the stairs , I went to the dinning table to fetch some water for me but accidentally the water split out from my mouth while drinking because of my dear sister's loud squeal in joy seeing her friend , who's our one and only cousin sister out the door..... Saying a quick bye she went away without getting me.....

And I again changed my dress in to a nice dark blue frock....

And I again changed my dress in to a nice dark blue frock

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I know it look pretty good on me.... I get down from the car to see what happened to my car.... I hear a sound behind me.... I sensed something is there... I shrugged off my shoulders thinking that it's my assumption.... I know I'm alone in the middle of the road near woods.... A heavy sigh left from my mouth.....

I was thinking about the book which I read sometimes before in study and Ri's words ..... Yeah they don't exist in this world.... I'm alone in the road it's true , so of course I will be scared right.... How much I pretend to be calm and all..... All I can imagine a wolf coming towards me and pushing me by my shoulders to the car bonnet with extreme force and throwing me to the sides of the damn road , huhh seriously..... And I'm shocked to react...

Why I'm flying.... Why I'm on the road side and who the hell pushed me towards here.... I looked towards my front only to see.....

Oh God it's real.... a wolf is there infront of me looking towards me with his green eyes.... I don't know what is happening to me.... Is this real.... I'm sure it's unreal...

But my thoughts get broke when the creature came towards me with slow steps.... I don't know what to do to save my life from that thing....

I moved back and my back hit at a big tree.... With my all strength , I stood up and ran into to the woods.... I don't know where to go but still I ran to save my life and the creature is chasing his pray which is me.... I ran to save my life.... Which is now in danger , only one name came to my mind...." SHIV "


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