Ch. 23 The Recording Studio

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"Wake up Emily. We have to get to the studio." Sloane takes a seat on the bed, making it sink a little bit. I groan and turn on my side.

"We've got McDonalds breakfast for you!" Lacey shakes a bag. I sniff the air then quickly sit up.

"I thought you guys were lying, like yesterday." I glare at Bridgit.

"Sorry, I have no British people money." Bridgit shrugs. I throw the covers off me and walk into the kitchen of our flat for the rest of the week. It was Wednesday. We're halfway through the week. We've already had a photoshoot for our cover, wrote our first couple songs, ate out, had photoshoots for a teen girl magazine, had coffee, had an interview for some teen girly magazine, shot stuff for a music video, ect... You get the point.

Anyway, we can't tell anyone yet about us until after this week when our first album is released on iTunes. The song is called, Falling Hard, this song is also going to be on a popular radio station in the UK, then it will air all over the US. It's kind of random really. For our music video, for Falling Hard, we were going to do something at a water tower, but Bridgit, and Lacey don't do high heights real well. There was a whole lot of hyperventilating and screaming. So, for the music video we did something at a Beach Carnival/Fair. It looks awesome. We shot some at sunset, and some later on at night. After we finished filming, we got to ride rides and play rigged carnival games. I just wish the guys were there.

The guys! How will they react? Will they be p.o.'ed? Happy? Shocked? A mixture? Dang.

"Who's problem is that now Bri?" Sloane crosses her arms. Sloane was kind of like the 'Liam' of our group; she can be a 'mom' at times but, can take a joke, prank, etc. every once in a while.

"Guys, can we eat now?" I ask, taking a seat on one of the island chairs. Lacey, and Carter sit on both sides of me. Sloane waves the bag over the island.

"You have to grab yours first, Em." Sloane laughs. She dangles the bag in front of me for a few more seconds before I grab the bag from her hands.

"Nice." Carter opens her bag and grabs her Chicken Sandwich, medium Fries, and her small Strawberry-Banana Smoothie. Bridgit rolls her eyes ats she opens her bag. Bridgit take out her small Chicken Salad, and her Large Mocha Frappe.

"Your such a girl." I grin at Bridgit.

"That's because i'm kind of a girl Emz." Bridgit laughs as she then takes a sip from her iced coffee.

"Just hurry and eat you two. We have to record the last song for our album. Y'know, Never Let You Go." Lacey finishes off her Cheesburger.

"What song?" Carter asks while throwing her fry box and the box from from her sandwich.

"Forever a Lie." Sloane replies after putting her One Direction inspired, Varsity jacket on.

"Where do they come up with these names?" Bridgit says while adjusting her beanie.

"I dunno. Hey Sloane where'd you get that jacket?" Lacey puts on her red TOMS. Sloane shrugs.

"I'm not sure, I got it for Christmas last year." Sloane flips her curly hair over the jacket.

"Oh yeah! Christmas is almost here." I shriek. As you can probably tell, I LOVE Christmas. No, not because of the presents. Well... I love shopping for gifts! Does that count? No. Okay.

"Yeah Emmy but, it's about a month away." Carter admires her batman nails.

"So...? We should do Secret Santa! Walking Intensity and One Direction Style!" I dance around in my seat.

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