Chunin Exams Part One

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"Do I look good? Am I ready to be a Chunin?" Naruto asked Madara, as he changed his outfit for the eighteenth time. Madara only said the same thing he said after every other outfit.

"You look beautiful, and you are ready to be a Chunin." However the last time, Naruto actually seemed to agree with him.

Naruto wore an all black suit with spaghetti straps, tight around his body, and Shinobi sandals that had a little heel to them, strapping his weapons to his thighs his diamond was exposed so he wondered if he should place a robe on, if he did he could place his sealing utensils on his left arm, and seal his sword on his right arm.

So running back upstairs, he placed a dark red robe on, and placed a seal on his right arm. Decided to seal his sealing utensils in scrolls and placing the in his weapons pouch. He walked back down stairs to see Madara standing up, and Naruto ran to him.

"Nervous?" Madara asked as they walked out the door, walking contently to the academy, Naruto looked up at the sky.

"Not in the slightest." Naruto said, and Madara nodded, liking the answer. Naruto filled the silence with small banter, telling Madara about Kurama, although Madara already knew.

Kurama was protective of Naruto, and when Naruto fell asleep one night Kurama took over his body, to threaten him. Madara didn't think he had to deal with a father figure, but it was refreshing to know that if something happened to Madara, Kurama would be there to put Naruto together again.

"This is where I drop you off, but I'll be watching you. You should try and talk to people other than Sasuke." Naruto snorted and leaned to kiss Madara on the lips.

"We'll see, see you later." Madara hummed and walked to the first of death, to watch him from the tower. Naruto turned around and when he spotted Onyx hair he smiled.

"Sasuke, wait up."

Sasuke heard that familiar happy voice and stopped walking, his teammates looked at him, and when he felt a petite hand in his hair, he exhaled calmly.

"Naruto." Naruto pulled his hand away and smiled.

"Sasuke, how you been? Have you been training?" Naruto and Sasuke walked in first while his two teammates who looked shocked trailed behind them.

Sasuke never liked it when anybody touched him, yet Naruto touched him, and is holding a conversation with him.

"I have, can you tell?" Naruto nodded, while Sasuke hummed.

"You let Naruto touch you so casually." Sakura said behind Sasuke and Sasuke turned around and looked at her, watching her shiver.

"He's family, obviously." Naruto smiled, and took Sasuke's attention from Sakura, while Sai merely laughed at Sakura.

She may be dating Rock Lee, but she's still head over heels in love with the Uchiha. Too bad really, Sasuke was as gay as they came, and a dominant at that.

Once they got inside the academy, they walked up the stairs, and continued until they saw the genjutsu. Sakura went to stop but realized they boys kept walking, and she didn't want to deal with Sasuke so she followed them mutely, Sasuke gave a little chuckle, and that shocked Sakura and Sai. Naruto nodded and his cheeks dusted pink.

"Yeah, can you believe that I got your uncle to do it. He is a cute girl I'll tell you that." Naruto said talking about his sexy no jutsu and Sasuke started laughing a little harder. Naruto laughed as well and then Sasuke calmed down.

"You need to take a picture." Naruto gasped and pulled out an image.

"I did." Naruto said as him and Sasuke looked over the picture, the door opened and the rookies that were already there was gifted with Sasuke's natural laughter, cheeks dusted, as they saw utter enjoyment on his face and Naruto smiled with him.

"Kami, why are we just now meeting?" Sasuke said after he calmed himself, Naruto shrugged and placed the photo in his pocket.

"I'm glad you are my family." Sasuke said softly, so only Naruto could hear and Naruto smiled. Ruffling the taller males hair, he believed he was the shortest one here.

"Yeah, me too." Naruto answered back and waved to the rookies he seen not too long ago.

"Hello again." Naruto said as he and Sasuke walked over, Sasuke going back to his silent treatment, but his face looked calm, and one person looked at that face and looked away quickly.

"I like your outfit." Naruto looked to the girl who said it, blonde hair rested into two very thick buns, and she was trailed by two guys, one who looked away shyly.

"Thank you, could you wear this in Suna?" Naruto asked and she shook her head.

"Kami no. The sand would eat you alive." Naruto started talking to the blonde girl, while standing up, a red headed male sat right next to Sasuke and Sasuke looked at him.

He only shrunk under his gaze, and Sasuke poked his chin.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to eat you." Sasuke said calmly and the boy didn't believe it. He felt that if he did anything to anger this man, he would definitely not be able to walk the next day.

"Be quiet and get in a line!" A male said, his commanding voice echos, it shut everybody up, but it only seemed to intrigue Naruto. He didn't know somebody other than Madara could illicit such a response from everybody,

"You'll take a number and sit in the seat that corresponds with that number." Doing as they were told, rookies ended up separated from their teammates, while sitting next to foreign ninjas.

"You'll be given a test, it's a ten question test. Questions 1 through 9 are on the front and you will take sixty minutes to answers those. Once I have called time, you will answer question ten, do not flip the paper over to answer question ten until I tell you too." The man said and Naruto exhaled.

"My Chunin line these walls, every time they catch you cheating you get a point taken off. You start with ten, the minute that drops to zero, you and your teammates are out, understood?" The Genin nodded and the man smiled.


Naruto filled the test out. Quite easily, all the secret missions he took with Madara, and Kurama made this really easy. So he decided to take a nap, seeing as he was up way too early this morning to pick out an outfit. Too quickly was the sixty minutes up, but Naruto slept away, until he heard a commotion.

Genin complaining though he didn't know why, looking around he squinted his eyes, when the man said anybody else. Naruto kept his hand down and was then greeted with.

"You all pass."

Naruto was confused, but not as confused as that man when a woman came crashing into the room, declaring something that sounded like warbled noise.

He was still out of it from his nap.

Naruto saw students standing up and quickly ran to Sasuke, to have him explain what the hell just happened.


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