Moving In

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*Madara and Fugaku are brothers, For plot sakes.*

"You asking for time off?" Madara stood there with the criminal bounded by chakra restraining rope, his mass amounts of armor on, and a feeling like anxiousness courses through him, he felt like he needed to head home.

"Yeah, about two weeks." Madara said calmly, looking at the Namikaze's face, wondering how he got away with denying Naruto. They looked so similar.

The same blonde hair, the same blue eyes. The only thing Naruto got from his mother was the body type, and personality.

Minato on the other hand looked to Shikaku his advisor, who only shrugged, before speaking.

"Maybe he wants to spend time with his wife." Shikaku offered, and Minato looked at Madara with a look that said was he serious? Madara only nodded his head, seeing this would be easier than saying he wanted to train Naruto with no interruptions, and more dedication than a half worm out Madara.

"Me and Naruto get along quite well." Which wasn't a lie, him and Naruto were talking to one another, Naruto blushed whenever Madara shows any form of emotions, or compliments him.

Madara enjoyed watching Naruto blush and smile, it made his heart beat a little faster than usual. Plus the ring the duo was force to wear, Madara knows Naruto wears his everyday, and Madara currently had a gold ring on too.

So the Hokage bought it.

"It's true, you didn't have a honeymoon, I'll allow it. You want to leave the village to have that honeymoon?" Madara's hummed and nodded.

"Sure, we'll spend a few days here, taking him places he wasn't allowed to be in before." Madara watched as faces fell and Madara hummed.

"I'll be leaving now." Madara said, and then left walking calmly to his home. Watching as the woman flocked to get his attention, he didn't know what the hassle was about.

His nephew was clan head, after Madara's brother Fugaku died, instead of him taking the place, he gave it to Itachi.

He didn't want it.

He was glad he didn't take it now.

Opening his door he called out to Naruto and didn't receive a response. He walked to the training ground and saw that it was empty, so he decided to shower and head to Naruto's room, he might be taking a nap.

However when he opened the door to his room, hearing light snoring he looked to his bed and saw Naruto sleeping, his blonde hair being in his face, Madara moved the blonde hair from Naruto's face and watched as Naruto snuggles even more into the pillow and wrapped himself tighter with the covers.

Madara walked away, and opened his drawer.

It was a mix of his boxers, and Naruto's underwear.

The next one was a mixture of his tank tops and Naruto.

The next one was a mixture of his house clothes, and Naruto's.

Madara didn't even want to look in the closet. He however wasn't upset. He walked to the bathroom and took a shower, washing his hair that was sure to be dirty, and exhaling calmly, his anxiousness seemed to dissipate when he saw how cute Naruto was.

Turning off the shower, and drying off. Placing shorts on, and walking into their now shared room, he only sat on the bed, opening a scroll he read it as he felt Naruto move his head to his lap. Running a hand through the blonde hair, he could hear something resembling a purr.

Moving his attention to Naruto, Naruto seemed to purr happily, before Madara returned back to his scroll.

Naruto woke up thirty minutes later, opening his eyes and yawning. He felt a familiar hand run through his hair. Naruto smiled before speaking.

"Welcome home." Naruto said and Madara put the scroll he was reading down he looked down and spoke.

"I'm home, thank you." Naruto sighed and spoke.

"I moved in." Naruto said calmly, and Madara nodded.

"I don't mind. Although it was a surprise when I came home today." Naruto nodded and moved his head, bringing the cover to his shoulders and looking up at Madara.

"Surprise." Naruto said and Madara hummed, before he spoke.

"I have two weeks off. Have you decided on a specialty?" Madara asked, laying down and looking at Naruto. Naruto blinked and watched as Onyx eyes bore holes into him.

He wondered how that Sharigan looked.

"I haven't, Kurama said I could master a lot. And I'm indecisive." Madara places his hand on Naruto's cheeks, before he spoke.

"Fuinjutsu for sure. Sage too. If you want to be an overachiever, you can even master Kenjutsu." Madara said calmly, rubbing his thumb on Naruto's whiskered face. Naruto closed his eyes, feeling so loved.

"Okay. We'll start after Taijutsu right?" Naruto asked, placing his smaller tanned hand on Madara's much larger, much paler hand. Madara spoke.

"Sure." Naruto nodded and sighed. Losing himself in the pleasure before he realized he didn't eat anything all day, and probably Madara didn't either.

"Are you hungry? Do you want lunch?" Madara shook his head.

"I actually want a nap, I've never been so sleepy." Naruto nodded closing his eyes, he could sleep all day. He thinks it's that Namikaze gene.

"Me too." Madara snorted.

"I just woke you up. Really?" Naruto nodded his head, and Madara sighed before pulling Naruto to his bare chest, exhaling when he placed his head on Naruto's blonde hair that smelled faintly like sunlight.

"Comfortable." Naruto mumbled, and Madara calmed his breathing and went to sleep, they slept contently together until Madara woke up, suddenly cold, unaware of the time, and not sure what day it even was. Naruto opened the door, wearing one of his shirts, it looked good on him.

"Hey, I was coming to wake you. Do you want dinner?" Naruto asked and Madara stood and nodded his head, scratching his hair as he walked after Naruto. He looked out the window.


Naruto hummed a little placing his favorite food in front of him, he looked to Naruto and spoke.

"How'd you know I like Sushi?" Naruto tilted his head, while holding a sushi to his lips.

"Sushi is my favorite food." Naruto said and Madara hummed.

"It's mines too." Madara said eating a roll of sushi, Naruto held a smile. They finished quickly and Madara didn't know what to do at nine o'clock at night, seeing as he would usually be sleeping by now.

"Hey, Madara." Madara looked down at his wife who was eight inches shorter than him, he looked excited, happy, and Madara already knew he would say yes to whatever he said.

"Can we train?" Naruto asked, and Madara exhaled before nodding.

"Of course. You want to learn some Jutsu's?" Naruto nodded his head and pulled Madara like a energetic puppy.


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