3 years | 5

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3 years into our relationship

God where did we go wrong

Arguments after arguments since the last year

We'd fight so much there was days I'd go and cry against Jennie and Irene and Rose and Sana

My best friends

There was days you'd go out with Yoongi Hoseok Namjoon Jimin Taehyung and Jungkook

There was days where I didn't know where you were

"Why do we keep doing this? Why do you keep acting that way?" Jin said

"What do you mean? How am I suppose to act? You ignore me, you push me away! You go out and don't call me to at least know you're fine!" Daisy said

"Daisy, I understand you're worried for me but I tell you, text you, or call you, don't fucking worry okay! You're acting like a leach, I can't go out with out you acting so annoying about it daisy" Jin yelled

"I'm sorry for worrying about you okay but what the fuck do you expect Jin? I haven't seen you in 3 days!"

"Daisy just don't worry about me okay, I'm here now and you ruin it"

"You know what Daisy, I'm done"

Jin grabbed his jacket and car keys and was walking out the door

Daisy's eyes were getting ready

She ran to jin

"Wait Jin, don't go okay, I'm sorry, I won't act that way anymore"

Jin didn't turn around but said

"Look, it's fine but, I can't be here right now"

And Jin walked out the door

Luckily for daisy none of her roommates/best friends

Rose Irene were around

But their friends have witnessed their arguments or have witnessed the aftermath

As in daisy crying to her friends

Jin ranting to his

They all saw how their relationship became very toxic

But they were so in love

"Guys, you need to talk to jin" Rose said

"Why? What happened now?" Namjoon said

"It's gotten worst okay, she's acting different for him, I don't know how to explain it, but she's not being herself or rather herself is changing, Daisy isn't the same"

"I get it" Taehyung said

"Jin hyung is being distant and Daisy is worried, and they keep arguing about that" he said

"What is she worried about?" Yoongi asked

"Honestly I don't know, maybe it's because Jin is keeping her out of what he's thinking, I mean he used to be open, and now he's like pushing her away, out of no where, so of course she should be worried" Sana said

"Look, I think every couple goes through it, they will get through it, I mean it's Jin and Daisy" Jimin said

Everyone nodded

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