Happy Birthday | 7

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"So What should we plan? For Namjoon?" Joy said

"How about a party?" Jimin said

"Not a big one but just us?" Sana said

"Of course" hoseok said

" I could make some food" Yoongi said

"I'll help" Jennie said

"I could buy the cake" Rose said

"Hm, okay, I'll call Irene and Jin hyung" Taehyung said

"Im going to be working late" Irene said

"Awe are you serious?" Daisy said

"Yeah, I can't leave early"

"And you hyung?"

"I'll try to get out of work, I make no promises" Jin said

"Okay well, you gotta go back to work then" daisy said

Jin smiled

Daisy tried to lean in for a kiss but he blocked it and hugged her instead

"Weird" Taehyung thought

That was awkward

Jin got in his car and left

"Want me to take you home too Irene?" Taehyung said

"No, thank you, I brought my car, I enter at 12"

We nodded

"Bye! Tell him I'll send a gift"

At the mini party it was a blast, but everyone was sad that Jin and Irene had work, Daisy had to leave early because of a doctors appointment, and Taehyung had to leave early because of a meeting at work so Taehyung offered to give Daisy a ride home

"Hey Can you drop me off at Irene's house? I need to go drop off something Namjoon told me to give her"


They arrived at Irene's place and Daisy knew where she kept the extra key

The door opened quietly to a seen

Wine and food on the coffee table of Irene's apartment with Jennie and Joy

Clothes on the floor

Shoes on the floor

And Irene's opened bedroom

"J-jin" Irene moaned

Taehyung and daisy eyes went wide

"Jin, I- I love you" Irene moaned out 

"I love you too Irene" Jin said

Irene was riding Jin

Daisy's heart sank

Taehyung grabbed daisy's hand and took the package and walked out and closed the door silently

Daisy's eyes were teary and it felt like she couldn't breathe

It was quiet the entire ride

Taehyung didn't take her home but took her to the view of Seoul at night

Daisy walked out and for the first time since that scene that replayed in her mind

She was able to breathe and cried it out

Taehyung just watched her cry her heart out

And was sad she had to see that

Taehyung was upset at Jin and Irene

For acting like a couple of lowlifes

After some minutes

Daisy stopped crying and Taehyung stood next to her

"I'm pathetic"

"No you're not, they are"

"I cried to her about him, while she was fucking him"

"I'm so stupid, I should've known but I was busy crying to fucking notice"

"It's not your fault"

"I feel stupid"

"You shouldn't feel that way"

"I let him push me Taehyung, I let him hurt me, I let myself fall in love, I am so pathetic"

"He touched you?!"

"That's not the point"

"Daisy he touched you?"

"He would just push me and I would fall, he didn't mean it"

"Is that why you're hurt all the time?"

Daisy stood quiet

"Daisy, you're not stupid, they are, he is, they don't deserve you"

With that Taehyung hugged daisy and she cried it out

"I don't want to be at my home anymore Taehyung, I don't wanna be near them no more"

She cried and Taehyung was there to help her

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