What's wrong? | 6

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"Hey Jin hyung" Taehyung walks inside Jins room

"Oh what's up Tae" Jin said

Taehyung closed the door and sits on Jin's desk chair

"How are you?"

"I'm good and you?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes

"Hyung I mean, how are you?"

Jin was silent but then scoffed

"You mean my relationship? We're good we just have some problems, every relationship goes through some"

"Yes every relationship does, but I mean, why are you being so distant"

"Not you too? I'm not even being distant, I can't live my life with out her worrying or calling, texting every second"

"Well I could understand you being annoyed by that but she has good intentions, I mean you're pushing her away, you're not acting like yourself, you ignore her, she has every right to be worried"

"What? You're her bodyguard now or what?"

"No hyung, I'm her friend and I'm yours too, but you're acting this way as if it doesn't hurt her, you're changing hyung"

Jin went silent

"Anyways hyung, I think I'm gonna confess to Irene finally"


"I have the courage now, I'm gonna confess to her"

Jin became quiet

"Well then, go for it, but don't be sad if she turns you down"

Taehyung laughed

Taehyung got up and was going to walk out of Jins room but he stopped before closing the door

"Hey Seokjin, Daisy is precious, don't hurt her anymore"

And with that Taehyung left Jin in his room thinking

Jin all of a sudden started to act nice and started to allow Daisy in

He stopped pushing her away

"Daisy get ready I'm gonna take you out"


Later Jin and daisy went out on a dinner

After their dinner they walked for a while

Jin gave daisy a bracelet to match the necklace he gave her 3 years ago

"It's so pretty Jin"

Jin kissed daisy


That night Jin & Daisy made love

The next morning Jin wasn't there

"Hey daisy, I had to enter work early, I made you breakfast"

Daisy and Jin spent the place at his place with the guys

His roommates

Taehyung Yoongi

Jin was taking a shower and he got a text

"See you tonight"

From Yojin

Jin came out

"Hey Jin who's yojin?"

Jins eyes filled with anger

"Why are you looking through my fucking stuff daisy?"

"I didn't mean to Im sorry"

"What the phone slipped into your fucking hand?"

"Jin stop yelling and why are you getting mad?"

"Because you're going through it with out asking me"

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry Jin"

"No you know what daisy, please, just get the fuck out"

"Wait jin no! I'm sorry"

Daisy hugged Jin

"No! Get out"
Jin tried to remove daisy's grip from him

"No wait I'm sorry, stop getting mad"

"You know what, if you won't fucking leave, I will" Jin yelled

Jin pushed daisy harshly, and she fell and scraped her arm on the side of the glass table cutting her arm

Jin grabbed his jacket and keys and phone and left

Daisy got up and ran to him but it was too late

"Why am I so fucking stupid" she said to herself and walked away

Daisy walked back home which was 3 miles

She was crying but then she was just sniffling

Daisy then got a text from Jin

*im at jungkook's place, don't fucken bug me*

Daisy read the message

She didn't reply back but continued walking

When she got home she started to cry

"I'm so dumb, I should've stayed quiet or not look at all"

Daisy kept quiet and didn't say anything to anyone

Especially since that was the first time jin put his hands on her

He's never treated her that way

It was a whole new feeling to her and she didn't like it one bit

"Hey What happened to you arm?" Jennie asked

"Oh I I kept scratching a previous cut and it opened up"

"Be careful"

"Yeah, I'm sure it won't happen again"

And it did

He'd push her unintentionally when he'd get upset at her preventing him from leaving
The pushed caused her to get hurt and fall countless times

But daisy would always get up

That wasn't the only thing getting hurt

Her heart was cracking slowly

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