4- Now Give Me A Hug

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Harry walked out of the bathroom after a quick shower. He had already double checked that the beard he wore as a disguise was still intact.

It was a difficult thing he had to endure, wearing a disguise and all when he and his friends went out and whenever he decided to bed a lass.

But it was a small price to pay for the lifestyle he had chosen.

He was after all, a prince and just shagging random girls was really risky for his image but his disguises always did the trick.

Plus, he always went for girls who were already drunk enough to pay attention to his looks.

He saw the lass he had just fucked almost passed out and he decided to leave then.

"I have to get going." Harry grabbed his stuff and exited the hotel room without looking back.

He never slept in the same bed with someone he just fucked and it was late so he had to get back.

When he was outside the hotel, he saw Liam leaning against the car. He had told him to go and that he would find his way back but Liam had insisted on waiting for Harry saying it was his job.

"Ready to go?" Liam asked when Harry approached him and Harry nodded with a smile.

"I'm not even gonna say anything about that smile," Liam teased his bestfriend.

"Yeah, let's not talk about the smile." Harry said, buckling up.

"Where are we going? The penthouse or the palace?" Liam asked when they joined the highway.

"Palace. I'm supposed to be having breakfast with the family tomorrow and if they know I didn't sleep home, mum would have my head." Harry said and thought about the last time he had spent the night at his penthouse without informing his parents.

Liam and Harry drove back to the palace with conversations ranging from topic to topic.

At one point, Harry had even brought up Niall and complained to his friend about much of a bitch Niall was.

Liam only laughed and told Harry that he had met his match.

When they got to the palace, Harry bid Liam good night and told him that he would call him if there was need for him the next day.

Liam lived in a flat a few miles just outside the palace so Harry knew that he would be there as soon as he was needed.

Harry walked up the grand staircase and up to the second floor.

When he got into his sleeping chambers, he went to brush his teeth and then fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows.


Harry was awoken the next morning by someone poking his face and giggling.

He tried to block it out so he could sleep for a bit more but suddenly, he felt light weight on his chest and bright light streaming into his chambers.

"What the f-" Harry started but someone spoke up before he could finish the sentence.

"Don't even dare finish that, baby alert!" It was the unmistakable voice of his sister, Gemma.

Harry slowly opened his eyes when he felt his cheek being bitten.

"Zoe?" He was met with the sight of his six month old niece sitting on his chest and biting his cheek.

She squealed when she saw that Harry was awake.

"Well, what a way to be awoken!" Harry said and ruffled up her mop of light brown hair.

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