12- Let It Go, Princess

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"Harry is on the verge of driving me crazy." Niall lamented to his Professor after class was over and everyone had left.

Zayn looked at the lad he always considered his baby brother and chuckled.

"What's wrong? What did I miss while I was away?" Zayn asked. He had gotten a leave for a couple of weeks because his mother wasn't alright and he had gone to vist her in Bradford.

That left Zayn's class with a substitute and that meant Niall couldn't talk to him and tell him what was going on.

"Stop laughing at me." Niall pouted and sat down at the corner of Zayn's desk.

"I'm sorry. It's just that... " Zayn trailed off, smiling.

"Just what?" Niall pushed his bottom lip out even more.

"Just that you look like a spoiled brat, no offense, who is ranting out to his nanny about how his parents missed yet another dinner with him." Zayn said with a short laugh.

Niall threw his head back and laughed.

"It's not funny, Zayn. Stop it." He said with a smile because that was just... weird.

"Well, you laughed." Zayn said with a grin making Niall shake his head.

"Yeah, whatever." Niall smiled and looked down to hide his smile.

"Okay now tell me what's gotten you all worked up." Zayn said and put his hands on top of the desk.

At that, Niall's frown was back and he stood up as he started pacing back and forth.

"Where do I even start. Okay so I guess I'll start from when you left to go home. That was the first time he and I had the first meeting with our planner. And after we were done, Kent texted me saying that he and Corey were at our flat and they wanted to hang out with Louis and I. Then Harry kind of went all... I don't even know what to say. He just, he wasn't just happy that I was gonna be hanging out with the guys. And-"

"Wait wait wait, who is Corey again?" Zayn asked, not catching on.

"Oh I didn't know you have no idea who he is. Well, he is Kent's roommate and friend. We don't have any class together but he studies here too, though he's from the States." Niall replied and was about to go one when Zayn spoke up again.

"And Kent is... "

Niall stopped pacing then.

"Well, he is our friend. Louis and I. I shouldn't be telling you this but, he and Louis hooked up once and he kept trying to reach out to Louis. Lou on the other had ignored him because he didn't want to have anything to do with a one night stand. Then I decided to talk to him and explain to him that it was a one time thing. Surprisingly he wasn't interested in Louis, he was only reaching out because he wanted to tell him that he wasn't looking for a relationship and long story short, we became friends and then he introduced us to Corey." Niall explained, hoping Zayn had now caught on.

"So after Louis and I left, Harry wasn't happy obviously but he didn't stop me. Then last Saturday, Corey invited me to play golf and any golf lover is instantly in my good books, I agreed and Louis as well as Kent tagged along." Niall said, remembering with a fond smile how much fun he had the previous weekend.

"Okay, then what happened?" Zayn asked again.

"Well, paps seem to be following me around lately so pictures were taken and Harry saw them. He went on and on about we looked like we were on a double date even though Louis spent half the time on his phone with Liam. He went on and on about how the media would twist the story and brew up cheating rumors. Utter bull crap if you ask me. Right now he's blowing up my phone wanting to know my every move and all that." Niall said and when he was done, he was panting.

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