19- Watermelon Sugar

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Niall's tears blurred his vision but he made it outside. He found his driver about to leave and he stopped him.

He quickly got in the car.

"Where to, my Prince?" The older man asked as he started leaving the premises.

"Just take me away from here." Niall sniffled.

They drove for a while and when the car came to a stop, Niall looked outside, seeing that they were in an unfamiliar place to him.

"Where are we?" Niall asked, not daring to get out of the car.

"That's my wife's café." The driver said, pointing to a cafe that Niall only noticed then. "I don't know what is wrong but I think you will need to calm down somewhere that's not in public."

Niall almost cried at the thoughtfulness of the man.

"Thank you." He smiled through his tears.

They walked inside with their heads down and went straight for the backroom.

Niall walked behind the driver who opened an office and held the door for him to go through first.

"Well, hello there." The elderly woman sat behind the desk smiled at her husband but she stood up and lowered her head when she saw Niall. "Greetings, Prince Niall."

Niall blushed profusely, he would never get used to peole treating him like that.

"Please call me Niall." He smiled at her shyly.

"Aww, Dan, he's so cute." She cooed, glancing at her husband briefly. "It's a pleasure to meet you Pri- Niall dear. I'm Martha."

Niall felt his face heat up even more and awkwardly looked at his shoes.

"Pleased to meet you, Martha."

"Please have a sit, darling." Martha pointed to seat and Niall gladly took it. Dan too sat down and they both looked at Martha.

"So," Martha started. "What brings you guys here this evening?" She asked.

Niall was sure his eyes were puffy and red but he was grateful that she didn't ask about it.

Dan glanced at Niall and then turned to his wife.

"We were driving past, and thought we'd stop by for a snack."

Niall internally thanked the older man for that save. Yes, Martha seemed like a nice woman but Niall didn't feel like talking to anyone he didn't know about why he had been crying, as a matter of fact, he didn't even wanna think about it.

And he was glad Dan hadn't asked either.

"Ah!" Martha stood up. "I just made some muffins, I'm sure you'll like them. You like blueberries?" She asked and walked around the desk to go out.

"Yeah, muffins are great, just not blueberries, I'm allergic." Niall said and went on to tell her his coffee order.

Dan did the same and she left, telling them that she would he right back with their delicacies.

"You alright, your highness?" Dan asked when Martha had left them alone.

Niall groaned and the older man grinned because Niall had been telling him times without number to not call him by his title when it was just them.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Niall answered quietly, nonetheless.

He knew that he looked as unbelievable as he he sounded but he was glad that the older man did not pry and quickly changed the topic.

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