Chapter 55 ~

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Jimin hyung :
I would like your opinion on something

Me :
This is not Taehyung

Jimin hyung :
I know
I need the opinion of someone objective

Me :
Uh okay?

Jimin hyung :
what do you think of polyromantic relations?

Me :
Am I supposed to have an opinion?
People do what they want it's none of my business

Jimin hyung :
yeah right
you're right

Me :
Why are you asking me this?
Omg is this about you Hoseok and Yoongi??

Jimin hyung :
what? no
of course no
not at all
absolutely not

Me :

Jimin hyung :

Me :
What the hell happened between you three?

Jimin hyung :
it's complicated

Me :
I think I can follow

Jimin hyung :
turns out
this is so awkward omg
turns out Hoseok had a crush on me before he met Yoongi
and he told me it kinda never went away?
so I told him he was saying bullshit because I know he loves Yoongi and you can't love two people at the same time
and he told me that he can because he is polyromantic and Yoongi is too
So I did researches about it
And yeah

Me :
Did Hoseok ask you to be in a polyromantic relation with him and Yoongi?

Jimin hyung :
Yoongi did

Me :
.... what?

Jimin hyung :
uh well
turns out
Yoongi kind of got a crush on me during his relationship with Hoseok which caused tensions at one point and
I don't know it's all messy and complicated

Me :
Well do you like Yoongi?

Jimin hyung :
I mean
I don't know
I guess?
he's a great guy

Me :
Yeah but do you LIKE like him?
Can you see yourself in a relationship with him?

Jimin hyung :
oh yeah definitely
I mean not that I thought about it before or anything

Me :
Well if they're both okay with it and you're okay with it why not?
You should do what makes you happy in life

Jimin hyung :
wouldn't it kind of break their relation?

Me :
Not if they still love each other

Jimin hyung :
but if I get in between them?

Me :
You won't "get in between them"
It's like if you have one dog for a long time and you get a new one there's no reason why you shouldn't like your first dog still

Jimin hyung :
did you just compare me to a dog?

Me :
You kinda look like one

Jimin hyung :

Me :
A golden retriever i'd say

Jimin hyung :
excuse me??

Me :
You missed my whole point tho
Love is love it doesn't just go away the minute you meet someone new
Talk to them about it

Jimin hyung :
ok yeah i'll do that
thank you for your opinion

Me :
You're welcome?

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