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Honesty is an expensive gift, don't expect it from cheap people.

~ Kindred Spirits 1:9



" . . . I'm not even going to go there, like please. It's crazy how he thinks I'm going to allow him back into my life."

"Hm . . ." I was hardly listening to Zaïrah as she rambled on about a boy she was talking to. I was tired, I hadn't slept properly in a while and here I was in school trying to focus on my science work.


"Yes, Zaïrah."

She scrunched up her face,"What's actually wrong with you?"

"Ugh. Everything. Messiah, Daniel ghosting-"

Her eyes softened and she placed a hand on my arm, as if to console me,"It's okay."

But it wasn't. We both knew it.

After Ricardo had payed a visit to my room, things had spiralled out of control. Messiah had made it his mission to find Ricardo and end him, and he had. Daniel had also completed the job with him and then he just disappeared. Not seen or heard from for four weeks straight, I had called him multiple times and each time it had gone to voicemail. Messiah had tried to convince me that everything was all right, he knew where Daniel was. I was sure of it. I was just glad Messiah hadn't vanished on me too, Daniel had not said anything before he left. He was here then he was gone.

Separately, my birthday had been a disaster. Well, the day had anyway, we'd spent the day at Daniel's house trying to figure out how to get to Ricardo. Amara had also ghosted, just as Daniel had but not as noticeably. To be honest, I'd only realised once they had gotten rid of Ricardo.

The bell rung, signalling dismissal and I simply walked out ignoring Zaïrah's calls from behind me.

The walk home was longer than I remembered.

Yes, walk.

I didn't feel like taking the bus, in fact I didn't feel like doing much these past few weeks. It felt like I was just living pointlessly. Daniel was really my other half, we didn't get along as much but he was my older brother regardless. I couldn't remember a time when I had gone this long without being with him.

The rest of the journey home was a silent battle in my mind on whether or not I should demand answers from Messiah, he knew exactly where my brother was and he knew also how it was tearing me apart not knowing if he was safe or not.

Once I had gotten home and settled, I went up to my room to sleep. I was practically a homebody now, I mean I never really went out before but my life was now school, home, school, home.

A notification sounded onto my phone and I glanced at it.


Why was this girl texting me? She continued to be a problem in my life, she obviously wanted Messiah but he wasn't paying much attention to her.

I half swiped the chat and saw a couple sentences, I rolled my eyes, preparing to leave the message unopened but curiosity got the better of me.


this is shantaè right? well sis I jus want to say that i'm very much pregnant with messiah's baby. if you could tell him to call me as soon as possible that would be appreciated. he hasn't answered any of my texts or calls. i don't want to go through this journey alone.


lol, and how long have you been "pregnant" with his baby ?


a couple months.

I didn't bother to reply, I knew she was chatting shit. She definitely was not pregnant with Messiah's baby.

The things girls did for clout was absolutely beyond me.

My phone started ringing and I looked down to see No Caller ID, I kissed my teeth and ignored it. Why was this person calling me on No Caller ID? What made them think I was going to pick up?

The person wouldn't stop, though.


"Shantaè?" A soft voice whispered,"It's me. Amara."

"Amara?" I repeated, shocked.

"Yes. I only have a bit of time. I'm at my dad's, I'm safe. But you need to warn Daniel and Messiah."

"Warn them? You're not making sense."

"Someone's coming for them. Someone acquainted with Ricardo. They're out for blood."

Hey barbiesss, make sure you vote and comment x

~ Majesty x

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