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A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.

~ Kindred Spirits 2:6


I couldn't even feel the pain that I was supposed to feel all over my body; the only pain I could feel was the heart ache. So many times I had dreamed about what life would be like with my baby girl, my beautiful child. But they had ripped her away from me, terminated an innocent life, a life that didn't deserve this. Anger consumed me, so deadly that I wanted revenge. I blamed myself entirely, if I hadn't gotten mixed up with all the wrong types of people my baby would still be allowed to live.

A knock at the hospital door interrupted me out of my thoughts, I glanced up to see Emily, the nurse that had been catering to me for the past three days.

"Hey, Amara," she chirped,"You've got a visitor."

"If it's Shantaè, I don't want to see her."

Shantaè had been visiting me non stop, at first I had welcomed it but then she had admitted that the bullet was meant for her.

"It's not Shantaè. It's your brother."


I didn't have a brother.

"I don't-"

"I'll take over from here," a rough voice implored. I squinted my eyes and then widened them when I saw a dark figure at the door. I couldn't see much as the lights in my room had been turned off and the only light present was outside.

The tall male strolled into the room and took the furthest seat from me.


I gulped,"Who the fuck are you?"

"Relax your fucking tone. I'm here to help you."

"Help me?" I chuckled bitterly,"How can you help me?"

"I know who shot you. I can help you get revenge."

My head shot up and I glared at him,"What are you talking about?"

"It was Renell, your ex. Remember him?"

My breath caught in my throat,"You're lying."

Renell shooting me? Made a lot of sense. I had betrayed him when he had only ever been good to me but so much time had passed. Why would he only strike now?

"He wouldn't-"

"But he did. He shot you, Amara. He killed your baby."

He killed your baby.

He killed my baby.

"Who are you?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

"I'm Karma."


There was something Messiah knew that he wasn't telling me. He'd been acting weird since he walked out on me and then when he had come back he wouldn't even look me in the eye.

"You good, sis?"

I looked and Daniel and rolled my eyes,"Messiah's being a bitch."

"Trouble in paradise?" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes again and snuggled into his couch,"What about your love life?"

"Fucked a bitch last night, one's due to come through in a bit," he replied.

"Fucked a female last night," I corrected.

He squinted at my neck and before I could react, grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked.

I shrieked, pain shooting from my scalp. My head began to pound and I lay there paralysed for what felt like a long time.

"What the fuck is that on your neck?" He yelled.

He narrowed his eyes at me again and then pulled the top of my top down.

"You perv. What's wrong with you?"

I already knew why his face was settled into a deep screw and I couldn't say I blamed him, I knew he could see the dark purple marks scattered over my right boob and the marks decorating my neck.

"Who the fuck gave you those hickies?"

I rolled my eyes, why was he being so dramatic?

"Messiah, duh. Who else?"

"You lots are nasty, fam. They look disgusting."

"Shut up," I snapped.

"I don't know who you're telling to shut up, you small person." Daniel huffed, setting his feet on the table.

"I'm leaving. You're extra irritating."

"And you're extra small."

Daniel had to be the most annoying person I knew, having an older brother was not as fun as people liked to think it was. I stuck my middle finger up at him and let myself out of the door. The past few days hadn't exactly been the best and going to my brothers new house had lifted my mood. Amara wouldn't let me see her as she blamed me for her babies death. When I had gone to the hospital this morning to try and have another go at speaking to her, the receptionist informed me that she had been discharged. I was very confused as she wasn't supposed to be leaving anytime soon; the nurses had previously told me she would need to remain at the hospital for a while in order to let her recover properly. I turned on my phone and scrolled through my contacts, I was tired of Messiah keeping things from me. He needed to understand that I was a part of this, whether he liked it or not and he needed to explain what was going on because he definitely knew something I didn't.


I spun around to see Messiah jogging towards me,"I was just about to call you."

"Yeah, well I parked up the road. Let's go."

Messiah dragged me back up the road and literally planted me in the car, putting on my seat belt and not wasting anytime driving off.

"What's wrong with you?"

He didn't look at me but shook his head,"Nothing."

"You just acted like a complete madman. Messiah, look at me," I snapped grabbing his chin.

He sighed and drove into an industrial area, parking the car and then turned to look at me. He stared for a good five minutes before sighing again and running his hands down his waves.

"It's all about to get long," he muttered.


"Fucking, Renell. He shot Amara."

I blinked,"Come again?"

"Renell shot Amara. He told me, the exact day he did it."

"Did you know?"

"Nah, what the fuck? I didn't know he was going to go shoot people. He's just started a whole other problem."

"Oh fuck."


"Amara was miraculously discharged today. Do you think she's going to do something crazy?"

"Probably," Messiah groaned.

In my head, this wasn't going to get any better. Amara's baby had been killed, she wasn't going to take that lightly.

"Let me get you home, you're probably tired and shit."

"Can you stay the night?" I asked in a soft voice. Now I really thought about it, Messiah and I hadn't really been talking as much. This whole situation was preventing us from being able to be around each other with good vibes only.

"Yeah, sure."

I smiled and rested my head onto his lap as we sat there in a comfortable silence, surrounded by our own thoughts of tomorrow.

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