For God so love the world that He gave His one and only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Author wants to say something...^^
Based on this verse, I can see and feel that God really loves us so much! Is there anyone have the same feeling as me? If yes, can I see a hand or your name down there in the comment? :) If you are the father to your son, I bet you would not do what God do to us. He was so genorous that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for our sins just to save us. Therefore, we are encouraged to believe and follow Him for He is the precious gift that God has given to us!
Take Up Your Cross Daily
SpiritualHey Christ's Followers,yup,that's right,this book is specially wrote for you all Christ's followers! This book is made up of bible verses that I picked to write randomly!:) By the way,I deleted this book before,but I chose to write it all over aga...