Chapter 1- Soul cleansing

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Minnie pov

    The angels dragged to me a white room. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked as they tossed me to the middle of the floor. I landed on my butt and it kind of hurt. "We are going to cleanse your dirty soul, prepare for strong amount of pain" One said and I gulped.

  They backed up a bit and prepared for something. I was nervous but how bad could it be? I held my knees to my chest and put my face on my knee. Then out of nowhere a shock of pain. Dark red flames burned my skin really bad. It was the worst feeling to any human. It burned not like any fire, it was almost unrealistic. I screamed loudly and it continued and I only screamed even louder.

  It stop and the tears stop streaming from my face. "Her soul is filled with negativity" I heard one of the angels say. "It's almost impossible to clean, did you hear her screams" The other one said. Then again scarlet red flames burned my skin. I couldn't even catch  my breath. Tears started to fall from my eyes and I screamed loudly. It continued for what felt like an hour but it was only 15 minutes.

   "STOP-" a loud voice of a woman came into the room. The flames stopped burning me and I was hugging my chest trying to catch my breath. I looked up and saw a girl with a black Bob haircut. She looked fierce and strong, unlike me weak and soft. "What do you want, we are busy with this sinner" the angel said frustrated.

  "I don't care what your doing, your clearly having fun hearing her screams. If you can't clean her soul just send her to hell stop hurting the poor girl. Are you really angels or just a demon in disguise" The brave woman said as she held her hips.

  "B-but-" The angels said but he was cut off by the woman "No buts bring Shuhua and see what she says because she will agree" The woman said strongly holding a firm voice.

  "Hyujin call Shuhua quickly" The angel with black hair went to call some angel name Shuhua. In the stories I heard that Shuhua was an angel that works under God. I was still catching my breathe. My skin isn't burnt but on my wrist there was a writing. The writing was numbers that were '25-21-17-9'.

   A woman with a white dress came in and she was beautiful. This was Shuhua, she looked different from the drawings from the history books. "Shuhua do you think she should go to  heaven or hell?" The angel with pink hair asked. I didn't care where'd I go at this point.

   "Soyeon said she should go to hell" the angel with a name tag that says 'Jeongin'. "What sin did she commit?" Shuhua said, little did she know I committed the second worst sin. "She killed herself, she sold her body to men even to her own father" The angel said as if that shit was true.

  Anger burned my skin and I was furious. How could someone lie just like that and not thinking how would the other would feel. I was tired of being the weak one.


Blinded by the glaring sky...

   I continued. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PAIN I WENT THROUGH. THE SUFFERING AND THE CHOICES I HAD TO MAKE TO SURVIVE IN THAT WORLD!!" I screamed even louder. I held my head as Tears streamed down my face.

I’m in your embrace...

   "WHY DO YOU MAKE THE CHOICE IF I'M BAD OR GOOD. WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL WHAT I'VE WENT THROUGH OR WHEN I HAVEN'T DONE NOTHING. WHY ARE YOU SO HIGH AND MIGHTY WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN FEEL A THING!!!" I yelled while I got up and stood up and looked at them. My nose was bleeding but that was the last thing I cared about at the moment.

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