Part 2

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"Thank you for dinner." Renee placed down her knife and fork, satisfied with the meal. "You're a terrific cook, Miss Lilith."

Lilith covered her mouth, stifling a pleased giggle. "You're so sweet, darling. If only my children would feel the same."

Renee glanced at the other two sitting at the table. Sebastian chewed his food silently while Bridget poked at her broccoli. Now that Renee had a better look at the little girl, her dark brown hair was more of a dirty blonde. 

"Bridget, don't be a picky eater. Eat your greens." Lilith asserted firmly. "You'll never grow taller if you don't eat."

"It's not like she'll grow at all." Sebastian muttered.

For a second, Renee caught a dangerous gleam in Lilith's eye; something so fierce and intimidating that made the hairs on her neck stand. The tension disappeared so quickly Renee sat in a stupor, wondering if it was just her imagination. A gentle smile seized Lilith's lips as she turned to Sebastian.

"There you go again, making fun of your little sister. If you're finished, why don't you go feed the rabbits?"

"You have rabbits?" Renee repeated excitedly. "Can I go with you? I love animals."

Lilith seemed to be taken aback by her enthusiasm but didn't hesitate. "Of course. We raise animals for food because we do live in the middle of nowhere. How else would we get fresh meat?"

Renee's smile fell. "You eat them?"

"Of course. That's how we survive." Lilith replied matter-of-factly. 

Renee swallowed. Now that she mentioned it, the kitchen didn't have a fridge. It's true that they lived in the middle of the forest but raising rabbits just to kill and eat them...

How barbaric. Renee shivered.

Sebastian got up from his seat and made his way to the basement door.

"Are you coming?" he asked in a low voice, shooting Renee a sidewards look.

"Ah, yes..."

Renee scampered to her feet but remembered that it was way past lunchtime and Greta must be searching for her. She turned to Lilith who met her gaze with a smile.

"I was meaning to ask, but do you have my original clothes? My phone was in my coat pocket and I should call my caretaker to let them know I'm okay." 

Lilith arched her brows. "Your phone? Of course, I'll have Bridget bring your clothes to your room."

She motioned to the little girl and she obediently went to fetch. Renee found it amusing how eager Bridget was in following her mother's orders.

"Now please excuse me, I have to make some porridge for my husband. He must be getting hungry."

Lilith excused herself and returned to the kitchen, leaving Renee with Sebastian.

- -

"Your family is very interesting." Renee mused.

Sebastian continued to walk down the cellar stairs in silence, completely ignoring her comment.

Jeez, I was just trying to strike up some conversation. Renee grimaced. She wasn't good at dealing with the quiet type.

The two reached the basement which was dimly lit by lanterns. Stacks of wooden crates were piled up on one end while cages lined the other. The only source of natural light was a small window on the opposite wall which was barely out of reach.

"It's like a prison in here." Renee chuckled nervously, rubbing her arms. Sebastian glanced over his shoulder before grabbing a sack of rabbit feed and filling the cages.

Renee skulked over to one of the cages, poking her finger through the bars. The gray rabbit inside sniffed her finger before nibbling on some bedding.

"These poor rabbits. Do you ever set them out to run in your yard?" she empathized, searching Sebastian's face for any hint of conversation. "They're born to be free. It's cruel to lock them up in this dusty old cellar."

Renee stared at Sebastian, waiting for his response, but was met with silence.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" she sighed, squatting to be eye-level with the rabbits. "Your mother said you'd be familiar with my family name. Belmonte, have you heard of them?"

He turned to her, his golden eyes almost glowing under the lantern's light.

"You're a Belmonte?" he spoke carefully.

"Yes. I'm the only one in line for the inheritance."

Sebastian wavered before breaking eye contact with Renee.

"A word of advice." he chided coldly, his bangs shadowing his expression. "Leave this place immediately. Don't ever come back."

Renee was paralyzed by the harshness of his words. Leave? Did he hate Belmonte that badly?

"In case you didn't notice, it's pouring outside. You really want to send me back when it's pitch black and cold?" she seethed. 

What a jerk! So much for getting along with him. Renee admitted he was good looking but his personality was totally rotten.

"The rain and the cold would be the least of your concerns. If you know what's good for you, leave tonight while everyone is asleep. It's dangerous here."

What was this guy talking about? Does he have a screw loose?

"You're not making any sense." Renee huffed, crossing her arms. "Out of everyone in this house, you're the most dangerous."

She recalled the dead rabbit he brought back for dinner. Its empty eyes were like two voids, sucking her in. Renee shivered at the image.

Sebastian hung his head, quiet before continuing to shovel rabbit food into the cages.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

- ∞ -

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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