chapter 3

301 10 7

1 week later
Amala's Pov

I am currently live on instagram going on a rant on how these people keep getting my lyrics wrong. I know it's not a big deal but it's annoying.

"If you cant properly analyze the lyrics to someone's fucking songs, don't put out the lyrics!" i yell to the people "You have people saying the wrong ass shit. 'I wouldn't fuck him and he won't stop chasing', no dumbass it's 'I wouldn't buck him and he won't stop cheesing'" i yell once more at the viewers

billieeilish joined

'hi mama' i see her say

"Hi billie" i say with anger. Not anger towards her, anger towards what i was talking about.

'request me' she says

i do as she says and i see her cute face pop up on the screen and a smile appears on my face

I see the fans going crazy in the comments. some saying 'OMG SHE NEVER GOES LIVE', or 'how does she go live for you but not for us' or some around the sorts of 'omfg you guys would be a cute couple'

"hello amala" billie says as she smiles at the camera "hi bil" i say back

"when am i gonna see you again" she asks

"you can possibly swing by today because jacob is on tour currently so i'm all alone"

'are you gay?'

'how is alex doing'

'yeah give us an update on alex'

"Guys, alex is doing fine." i reply to them

"Who the hell is alex" billie asks

"My sexy cat" i reply

billies eyes widen

i roll my eyes and get up off my floor to find my cat. i walk into my room and spot him on my bed.

"this is him" i point the camera at him

"so cute" billie coos "i just wanna pet the baby" she says in her baby voice

"well maybe you can if you come over. i need to catch up with you anyways. 5 years worth of catching up" i stare into the camera

"ok lemme get off of here so i can drive there then. dm me your address" i say

'then leak it' someone says

"fuck you, you fucking psycho" i say and billie laughs

"bye" she says and i see her disappear

"love you guys, bye" i say as i tap off of live

I need to clean my god damn apartment holy hell

I start picking up the clutter that i have laying around. I start in my room because that's where i am then i make my way back to the kitchen and living room.

I hear a knock at my door

I open it and see billie. She gives me a friendly hug. how the hell did she get here so fast.

"You got here fast" i say

"I am a fast driver"

"Yeah, i remember that" i say

"Nice apartment Amala. I like how it's decorated" she says

"Thanks, if i wasn't into music, i would be an interior designer" i laugh as i sit on my couch "How has life been these past 5 years" i ask while looking at her

She sits on the couch with me

"Well, as soon as i got back from the ship, me and finneas starting writing music right away. Things escalated very fast from ocean eyes. After i put out my EP, i just kept growing and it was crazy. Soon enough i couldn't go out by myself without getting noticed by a lot of people. Not gonna lie, i miss just strolling down the sidewalk by myself. Me and finn are working on an album currently and I am so excited for that shit to come out. I put my whole heart and soul into it. And the fans, the fans are amazing. They are like my best friends. I love them and i love my life. Throughout all of this though, i did go through a period of time when i was so depressed. So many bad things just kept happening. I was in a serious relationship and he hurt me so bad by just up and leaving like that. It hurts because i gave him my all but he didn't give me anything in return-" i cut her off

"Fucking dickhead had no right to do that to you" i say as i roll my eyes in frustration "continue"

"Anyways, i was in a low place for so long that people starting to think that i was faking it. That hurts so bad to see, when i was literally bleeding on the bathroom floor" she tears up and i grab her to hug her

"I'm sorry you had to go through that" i softly say as i rub her arm

We stay like that for a few moments. This is relaxing, holding billie in silence. I can get used to this.

"You know, i thought about you sometimes" i say and she looks up at me "I thought about contacting you and i thought about how life would have been if we were still together." i quietly say

"Well don't stress about it, we are here now" billie says "show me your room" she casually says and i furrow my eyebrows

We walk to my room. We are greeted my little studio setup and a board with my album title and song names listed.

"Wow, these songs sound fire" billie says as she looks at the white board. "You also have a really good setup. Do you always record in here?" she asks

"No, i used to, a lot actually. I used to sit on live and make my shit on there. I stopped though and i started working in a studio more. I mainly only come here now if i have an idea for anything so i can work on it immediately." i say

"Finneas and I are making my album at our house. It's better working there in my opinion."

"I would love to create from here but i never get shit done." i say

"I missed this" billie says

"what?" i ask

"I missed being around you, I feel safe" she says

"i kinda missed this too" i smile and then look down

This chapter literally sucked lmfao

I didn't edit so let me know if anything doesn't make sense so i can fix it

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