chapter 8

288 11 5

1 month later
*sorry for time skips*
Amala's Pov

I'm horny, i'm so fucking horny that i can't stand it. It's been almost 2 months since i've been pleasured by a person. I need a drink, i need something to distract myself from being like this.

I get up from off of my bed and i wash my hands. I then reach into my cupboard and get my bottle of whiskey. I take off the top and i chug the rest of the bottle (nearly empty)

"holy shit" i say as i set the bottle on the counter "what was i thinking chugging the rest of that?" i say out loud as i get a glass of water and chug that. I go and grab my phone and i call billie

she picks up almost immediately

"hey ma, what are you up to?" she asks

"drinking because i have nothing better to do" i reply as i put the phone on speaker and set it on the counter

"don't overdo it please" she replies

"i'll try." i say

"what's on your mind" she asks

"nothing, just bored." i say

"want me to come over?" billie asks

"if you want to." i reply

"alright i'll be right over" billie says as she hangs up

God i look like absolute shit right now. i'm not wearing a wig currently so my hair is a mess and i didn't care to fix it because i didn't expect anyone to come over.

I look around my room and i see a black haired wig hanging over a chair. I go over to it and i start putting it on.

After i put it on i look in the mirror. I still look like shit but that fixed my hair problem.

I go to my dresser and rummage through the drawers because i want to find something light to wear because it's hot as fuck in here.

I put on this:

I feel the alcohol kicking in more and more as time passes by

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I feel the alcohol kicking in more and more as time passes by. I sit in front of my mirror and do my hair (as seen in the photo)
I end up burning my neck with the curling iron. I hear what i assume to be billie walking in.

"Amala?" she calls out

"I'm in here baby" i call back

She walks in and i see her eyes widen as she stands at the doorway.

"Billie, change please like into a tank top or something. It's hot as shit in here." i tell her

"Where do i find that?" she asks

"Top drawer on the left" i reply

she nods in reply and opens the drawer. she pulls out a white tank top. She walks to the bathroom to change.

hair is now done.

billie walks out and i turn to face her

"so what have you been doing today" she is looking by my at the side of my bed at my vibrator

i feel my face heat up

"uhm, drinking" i nervously laugh as i see her smirk

"ahh i see" she laughs as she replies

"i need more alcohol" i sit up and walk to my kitchen

billie follows

"i'm sure you don't amala" she states

"but i want more and nobody is going to stop me" i smile and bend down to open my alcohol cabinet.

i pull out an unopened bottle of vodka. "want some?" i ask

"sure, why not" she replies

"how much?" i ask

"how ever much you're having" she smiles "can i play music?" she asks

"Uhm sure, play it from the laptop" i say

Billies Pov

I am going to close out her saved folders on her laptop. I see one specific folder named 'unreleased shit' me being the curious ass bitch i am, i click on the folder. I see things such as 'up and down' 'pretty girls' 'unreleased #6' 'morning light' 'doctor' and one that catches my eye and i don't know why
'4 morant :('. I hesitate for a second and look over at amala in the kitchen. I click on the file and look over at amala perk her head up as the song starts playing. She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. The sigh and the little groans at the beginning make me frown and i start hearing the lyrics.

As the song progresses it gets more sad. The words that really got to me were:

I can't handle rejection
seeing my reflection, damn no one gets it
should i be kind and remind that i'm weak?
So i fall more behind every week
Am to shy when guys take a peek
I cry from my eyes to my feet

and this one too

My brother found blood i say shut up before she sees

I wipe a tear with my dramatic ass. I look and see amala standing there staring in shock that i would click on it.

"u-uhm do you want chips?" is all that comes out of her mouth

"sure" i quietly say as i stand up and walk to the kitchen to stand by her "why don't you talk to me amala?"

"because i don't need to be spilling my thoughts to people because it's not important" she replies

"well i care about you. I don't like to see you like this. I want you to be happy" i say

"I want to be happy too, but i'm just not and there is nothing i can do about that."

"If you would talk to me i could try and comfort you" i grab her hand and look at her in the eyes

"i'm probably going to regret this later but fuck it" she says and i feel her hands cup my cheeks and she pulls me into a deep passionate kiss

we love drunk amala, don't we?

I'm so sorry about this chapter it absolutely sucks holy hell. I also didn't edit it so let me know if there are any errors. this chapter also makes no sense in my opinion but oh well i needed to put something out.

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