Capturing Kankuro

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"Seriously, what a drag."

"Hey! That's my line!"

Gaara definitely found the exchange between Kurosuchi and Shikamaru amusing. She'd insisted on joining them in watching for his brother, which was indeed turning out to be a rather boring task, making him wish he was instead at Temari's side where he belonged. Of course, Kankuro belonged there as well, something he planned on rectifying with this trap.

"Wow. I didn't ever expect to meet someone as laid back as Shikamaru." This comment came from one of Shikamaru's teammates, who joined them, waiting for some kind of sign that Kankuro was nearby.

"Hey! Not cool Ino!"

Shikamaru's other teammate looked right at both Gaara and Kurosuchi as if contemplating something, but he finally said something as well. "So, you two really are dating."

"Oh, come on Choji. This is Gaara we're talking about. Gaara."

"Excuse me?" Kurosuchi looked up from the railing she leaned against, her eyes focused on Ino. "What is that supposed to mean? You aren't saying..."

"I wasn't saying anything!" Ino held up her hands in defense.

Choji on the other hand chuckled. "What she's getting at is Gaara's kind of the last person we'd expect to be dating someone. It really wasn't a bad thing, just that you might say Gaara's rather shy around people when he first gets to know him."

"Wow. That's not my experience with him at all."

"You've got to be kidding me." Ino gave that looked which Gaara knew meant she was baffled. Apparently, there were a lot of things that baffled her. A lot of things baffled him regarding life, yet unlike Ino, it rarely if ever showed on his face except for – as some like Shikamaru described it – as a look which was obviously curious about the world around him. Ino's look – there didn't seem to be any kind of curiosity, just bafflement.

"I'm not. We had a pretty interesting conversation."

"With Gaara?"

"Kurosuchi started the conversation and I followed suit."

"Okay. That honestly makes a lot more sense, though I can't help but think that a rather long conversation with mister silent over there would turn awkward."

"It was." Gaara wouldn't deny the fact.

Kurosuchi shrugged her shoulders. "A lot of our conversations are awkward."

"Oh, god. Please tell me the two of you haven't had sex yet."

"No." He said the words with Kurosuchi.

"Ino!" Shikamaru was obviously not pleased with where the conversation headed, but his cheeks flushed. "Seriously..."

"Not my fault you..."

"Shut up Ino!"

"Yeah..." Choji shook his head. "We really shouldn't talk about that in front of her brother."

"It's not at all true, but Temari would say the same."

"Sure." Kurosuchi looked at him. "Are you the one Gaara's older sister fought in the chunnin exams, because if so – I think Gaara's already got the two of you figured out."

Shikamaru facepalmed. "Seriously. There is nothing going on between me and Temari. I'm simply her legion when she's here in the village. Nothing more."

Kurosuchi turned and looked Ino in the eye. "By the way. Are you some kind of pervert?"

"Say what! Where did that come from?"

"You were rather upfront asking us whether we had sex or not."

"You two were the ones who said the conversation turned awkward! How could I not jump to such conclusions?"

"As I asked, are you some kind of pervert?"

"Gaara! I really don't like your girlfriend, but..."

Shikamaru held up his hand, sensing what Gaara did. "Kankuro – or somebody is near."

Gaara took a deep breath, his eyes looking around for his brother in the most likely hiding spot to launch a puppet so that he might capture one of the people from Iwa when they stepped out of the house they were located at. Seeing his brother's figure, he stepped forward, letting his sand move forward which resulted in Shikamaru letting out a groan and his trademark phrase. "What a drag."

Gaara moved closer, then used his sand to wrap around Kankuro's waist, yanking him back. He heard a yelp from his brother, then suspended him upside down using his sand, crossing his arms and looking his older brother in the eye while he hung upside down. His brother spluttered. "Gaara!"

"What do you think you're doing Kankuro?"

"What am I doing? What are you doing interfering with what I'm doing?"

"You're an idiot."

Gaara's eyes drifted over to where Kurosuchi now stood. He watched Kankuro point at her. "You! What are you doing here? What is she doing here Gaara?"

"Um, let me think. You were trying to sneak attack shinobi from Iwa, so if you think I wouldn't be involved in this plan to capture you, you must be an even bigger idiot than I thought."

"Excuse me?" Kankuro's teeth gritted together. "Stay away from my brother, bitch!"


"I don't care Gaara! She's from Iwa, so she's trying to sink her claws into you and manipulate you!"

"Yeah, well, given the fact you're a paranoid older brother, I can't blame you for thinking that. Actually, I can't blame you given the history between our two villages."

"You started that off with me being paranoid! I am not paranoid! Tell her Gaara I'm not paranoid!"

"Dude, you're acting paranoid." Shikamaru stepped over, his arms crossing his chest. "Like, seriously – you should be at your sister's side, not discussing your..."

"This is absolutely the right time to discuss my younger brother's love life! He shouldn't even have a love life to discuss."

"Yeah. I've got to agree with the whole paranoid older brother thing." Ino spoke up from who knows where.

"Uh-huh." Choji followed suit.

"Gaara! Why did you have to bring all of them into this?"

"They're a part of Shikamaru's team."

"That's not an answer!"

"Well, it was my dad's plan to capture you, but he wasn't going to let Gaara talk you out of doing something which would be politically unsound at this point. He is investigating still with Baki what's going on, but the Tsuchikage is here with all of his people, excluding Kurosuchi of course as she's here with us."

"This doesn't change the fact he and I need to have a serious conversation regarding his priorities!" Kankuro was not letting the matter go; if Gaara were a person who sighed, he would sigh right now.

"That is correct." The sound of another voice made Gaara's eyes blink. He turned and looked at the person who joined them. He saw the two other elders from Suna looking at him, one remaining calm while the other glared. "Please put your brother down Lord Kazekage, so we can discuss your foolhardiness regarding striking up a romantic relationship with the enemy."

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