Chapter Two

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I sighed, closing the window. The sky was filled with thunder and lightning , usual weather we get once awhile. The twins were asleep in there room as I sat boredly in the dark, with nothing, but the light of the television shining throughout the room.I began to surf the tv, for something interesting to watch, when a headline caught my attention."Disney's, biggest slut"

I read, whilst clicking on the channel.

A lady and man appear, along with a picture of ROWAN on the side.I sit up, immediately getting intrested.

"She had a baby at the age of what, fifteen or sixteen? Rob, I'm telling you, Rowan Blanchard has changed the face of Disney Channel for now and forever. Disney lost about a billion viewers and money, when word broke out about this" A red haired lady said to the lady beside her.It was this new view show called Celebrity Chatter.
"But I wonder who the baby daddy is?"
The other lady said, curiously. "Rumors are flying that it is Cameron Boyce, but all he says is Rowan is a lying slut, who sleeps around with any boy she lays her hand on.He said he definitely did not sleep with her"The red head claimed."This was Jake Shorts big birthday bash, and a lot of the Disney stars were invited"."Let's here the story from the slut herself I mean from Rowan herself.Coming up next"

I slowly looked down, events of Jakes party rolling through my head. The night my life was turned into a living hell.The party had gotten really crazy, and some how, a lot of us had gotten drunk.I didn't know that Rowan was pregnant also.I kind of felt bad a little for leaving, but then I don't.I quickly sit up, seeing as the break is now over.Rowan appears, sitting on the left couch, and the hosts who I found out were Chris and Jen, sat on the right couch.The audience booed at Rowan, some even screaming out a bunch of insults.This was exactly how I imagined, everyone would feel, or react if they found out I was pregnant. Rowan is living my nightmare. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek, my heart broke for Rowan.She needed me, more then anything at the moment.

She changed really fast.Her brown eyes, that are usually lit up, and full of excitement, now lack the fire that was once hidden behind them.It's now red from crying, and dull.Her hair is nicely straightened, and there was a replacement for her usual, big and bright smile. A frown.My heart aches, seeing my best friend like this.She bites her lips, to keep from crying, they begin to quiver slightly.

"Wow, you sure do have a lot of fans" Chris says, sarcastically. "I know" Rowan simply mutters."All because of a mistake, there are many teen mom's in the world, but none of them have to go through the same crap, that I have to go through every day. I'm hated by people who don't even know me, threatened to the point I question my exsistance on this earth still, but never will I leave my daughter to bare the pain and hatred of this world"."Well maybe people expect more from you because your a Disney star, and there kids look up to you and watch you every day" Jen sasses, and the audience claps, agreeing with her.

"That's no reason. What, all because I'm a, I mean was a Disney star, makes me not human? I'm still a human being and deserve the respect. I make mistakes, I'm not perfect" Rowan says.

I clap although, she couldn't hear me.I clap as tears cloud up my eye and then spill reluctantly. I clap, seeing as I'm the only one who did.I clapped, because I know the pain and pressure she is going through."She needs you" I whisper to myself, but keep shaking it off.

"We know that, but what you did was terrible. These kid's and your fans go home or are home, changing the channel to Disney Channel, expecting to see this character, this role model, this figure from you. What do they hear? Rowan Blanchard is pregnant, and Disney Channel is canceling Girl Meets World?! Did you not care about how your other costars felt or how these kids felt? They expect you to be this character and you give them this?!"
Screams Jen.Tears stream down Rowans face, faster then a river during a Hurricane. "Well now they know that nobody is perfect. That nothing is perfect.These kids go home to see Riley.Not Rowan, Riley.When the lights are on and cameras are rolling, I'm Riley.I'm not not Rowan" Rowan belts out, crying inbetween.She sniffles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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