What Happened After The Book Last Sacrifice From The Vampire Academy

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*Sigh* The Vampire Acadamey Books were written by Rachel Mead.. Came up with the books and i just did the after part *Sigh*


What Happened After The Book Last Sacrifice From The Vampire Academy  


         I walk into Lissa's  room and smiles to see Lissa, Dimitri and Christian.

   "Hey Rose!" Lissa said then smiled. Lissa is still queen of the Moroi world, her boyfriend Christian is a fire user and his bodyguard is Dimitri who is my my boyfriend. 

"Lissa we have to go, you. collage. Now." I told her while still looking at Dimitri. she only had one more year of collage and we were just visiting the boys at The court.

"Okay" she said and then gave Christian a hug and a kiss and said did there good-byes. Christian and Dimitri are going around the world to teach more Moroi's about there powers. (fire, water, air, land and spirt) I walked over to Dimitri with a huge smile on my face.

  "Roza" he said softy and kissed me. I kissed him back and then realized that Lissa was looking at us, so I stopped. Though I looked into his eyes and saw the warmth in them.  "I will miss you Roza and I will always, always love you" he said with a smile. Roza was what he called me and I loved every time he said it. It brought back good memories. 

 "I'm going to miss you too and I love you too" I said back with the smile on my face still. I was sad to leave him, I didn't want to but I had to, for Lissa. Lissa got off her bed and said "Boys this is still my room, even when I'm gonna, so keep out. and stay you your own" she said with a smile. Lissa is the queen so she does have the best room in the world. The boys always like coming here to hangout.

 "Yes Lissa" Christian said with a smile and gave her one last hug.

  "Yes Ma'am" Dimitri said and hugged me again and kissed me. Now I was really sad to leave him. Then Lissa grabbed Christian's hand and they walked out of the room to the car. 

  "Just you and me but we shouldn't stay long, because we are suppose to watch them" I said and laughed. Then before he could say anything  we heard a knock at the door and I went and opened the door to find my mother and father standing there. "Um..Hi?"

"Hey Rose" my dad said with a smile. "We heard that you were at the court, so we came to say 'hi' "  Since i've been with Lissa and at collage with her I haven't seen my parents in months.

 "Okay" I said back.

"Oh, I see that Dimitri is with you" he said and walked into the room and my mother followed.

   "Oh Hello" Dimitri said and then looked at my parents and then me.

 "I have to go, Lissa is in the car" I said to everyone and started my way for the door.

  "Oh Right" Dimitri said. Then started to follow me. "Christian is with her."

 "No.. Dimitri we have to talk to you, Rose you can go and tell Christian to go to his room" my mom said and then I nodded, but confused. I left the room and went back to the car and got in. 

 "Christian" I said and looked at him, he was in the backseat next to lissa. "You need to go back to your room" he looked at me. "Orders from Dimitri." Then after I said that he left and went strait to his room. Then Lissa looked at me.

 "What the hell was that?" she asked me.

   "Dimitri wanted him to go to his room" I said back. Then she dropped it and we drove away.

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