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The five girls already found their room with the help of the other student.

"Thank you Miya" the five girls thanked her and bowed at her.

"No problem, any ways if you guys have a question about this school then I am willing to help you guys out! Anyways I will be going now. Good luck to your first day!" Miya said as she walks away to her room.

As the teacher nagged her students, Yeji comes in and the other four girls followed. The students feel relieved thinking they are safe because of Yeji.

"Quite! I'm not done with you students!" the teacher shouted. The students groan in dissapointment.

"Yes girls? Are you new here?" the teacher asked.

"Y-yes ma'am" the oldest replied shyly.

"Okay then please introduce yourselves" the teacher said giving space for the girls to introduce theirselves.

"Annyeong! I am Yeji, the mother-like of this four girls"

The four girls just rolled their eyes.

"Hi! I am Lia, the prettiest one of this four uglies, joke, just kidding!" the students laughed at Lia's silliness.

"Hi I am Ryujin, the smartest one of this four dulls, joke, just kidding!" Ryujin mocked Lia that makes everyone laughed out loud even the teacher.

"Hi, I'm Chaeryoung" then puts her earphone.

"Step one foot then you're dead" Lia added. The students laughed again.

Chaeryoung shot a death glare to Lia that makes the older backed off.

"Hi! I'm Yu--" the maknae was interrupted at the arrival of the five boys who came in their room.

"Ma'am I'm sorry we're late!" the tall boy apologized not knowing that they have a new classmates.

The five boys starting taking their sit at the back with exhaustion.

"Again?! How many times do I have to tell you?!" the teacher groaned in anger.

"Even when you're crying, you're beautiful too?" the blue haired boy mocked their teacher that makes the other student laugh.

"Do you want to go to principal's office hm?" the teacher threatens raising her eyebrow

"Ma'am we're just---" the tall boy didn't countinue what he was going to say when he saw the five girls besides the teacher.

"Just this time boys, especially you Mr. Hueningkai" the teacher forgiven the boys even though they are not listening to the teacher because of the effect of the five girls.

"May I continue teacher?" Yuna asked shyly. The teacher nodded as her answer.

"Again, Hi I am Yuna, the maknae"

The students clapped and welcomed the girls.

"Okay girls, we only have 5 vacant sits at the back, is it okay?" the teacher asked.

"Yes ma'am" the oldest answered.

They're now taking their sits at the back.

Yuna's POV.
As I walked to my sitting place, I can't take off my eyes towards this cute boy who has a pointed nose.

Why are we even classmates? This is impossible!

"What a small place" the boy at the back said.

Is he talking to me? Why would he?

I turned my head to see him.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked nervously hoping that he was not.

"Who else?" he replied with a grin on his face.

Not now Huening kai! I don't want to fall again with that grin!

I know myself that this chapter was lame, and I sincerely apologize, I'm sorry, but I promise that I will work hard and improve my writing skills so that you guys won't be dissapointed. And I hope you still support my upcoming chapters and stories! Be safe and I love ya'll! Mwuahugs!💜

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