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Dear Melody,

A lot has happened these past five years, and while I know you have been watching and cheering me on I felt compelled to write this letter. A thank you to you, my love, for giving me this chance. 

The trials at South Seven have been fruitful for data. Children that failed the markers at the two normal examination phases at eight and sixteen have been able to pass the markers of a mock test at eighteen. This could be the key to getting the new legislation passed or at least further trials with more facilities. 

Each success grants another human the right to 'real' life should they chose it. It gives them time to mature enough to make those decisions that were originally faced by adults. I have met two younger versions of myself and I find myself becoming their mentor, something I could never have seen myself doing before you ordered me to change my life. I am making a positive change.

I have lofty goals, I know, but the guardian program is next on my list. We will weed out those that want the power to harm or intimidate others. Put their muscle in places where it cannot harm innocent life. 

And lastly, I feel I need to tell you that I am in love. Something I never thought possible since you left. He will never replace you in my heart, but I believe there is enough room for someone else. Stuart has stood by me throughout all this craziness, and I look forward to standing beside him as he takes the next steps in his journey.

Rest well my love, 


A/N: Completed draft 17/04/2020

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