A Cowboy's fears

2.6K 32 3

After a long day of playing desk jockey Carlos went to pickup T.K. and Paul up for a  night out.

They where going to the Eagle's nest on of Austin's club. The nest is a safe place for the LGBQ+ community especially for those with jobs in the public eye.

All the first responders seek each other out. They know them all by name and what is going on in their lives.

Sadly tonight was not for a fun night out, but to mourn a lost life and light to of the community. This was the fourth life they have lost in the past month.

First it was paramedic Captain James Gibbs. He was not a member, but a supporter. Second was Sophia Jackson she was transgender and was one of the best detective Carlos have ever work with. Third was Camilla Parker, firefighter, she was a out and proud lesbian and now they have lost Sam Dawson, a beat cop. Sam was an openly gay Officer.

Carlos was starting to worry that they have a serial killer loose in Austin. In the last month seven people was killed. The other three was also first responders. They were married to a different race then they were.


The next morning was a normal sunny day in Austin. Carlos was still feeling sad and fearful after they mourned Sam.

He had to leave early for a meeting with Chief Adams. He felt guilty for leaving T.K. alone. He made breakfast and put so in the microwave like he normally do for T.K.

The drive down to the precinct was longer then usual. Carlos' mind racing his heat pounding. Question of fear and doubt fill his whole being. Question like what if T.K. is next? Or what is Judd is next? How will T.K. cope? How will he tell Grace.

Walking into the precinct he headed straight for the Chief's office. Knocking on the door waiting for acknowledgement.

"Did you find anything new Officer Reyes."

"Yes, Sir, the only pattern we could get was that the killer target none traditional responders. We all know that there is only one house like that."

"The 126. I have an old police friend that married a white fire captain. I'll reach out to her and ask if she can get into contact with the trio that helped with the bank robbery gone wrong."

"Sir, I don't want to be rude, but we need first responders not SWAT."

"Officer Reyes, the trio is two firefighters and one police officer"

"In that case, Sir, I'm going to need a partner though. One in the know about the killings because of my relationship with T.K. Strand."

"I'll let you know about the trio and your partner, Officer Reyes."

"Thank you,Sir." Carlos said as he left the office.


Carlos was on a lunch break with T.K. when the call from Chief Adams. All Adams told Carlos was that  the trio will be here in three weeks and that they are going to work with the 126 where the firefighter are going to transfer in.

Carlos smiled and looked at T.K.

"Looks like you are getting new teammates."

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