Transfer Fun

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Police Chief Radford helped them load their gear into the car.
Cora gave Buck and Eddie each coms, she wanted to be able to be in constant communication with them.
"How do they work?" Buck asked as he was putting the device in his ear.
"They are on a secure network, which is being monitored by a friend. This way we'll be able to stay connected no matter what gets thrown our way. We should decide on our codenames now. "Cora Daniels codename Wolf checking in." They all heard a bleep.
"Evan Buckley codename, Daredevil checking in."
"Eddie Diaz codename Phoenix checking in."
Once code names were assigned they also discussed how they planned on communicating with each other non-verbally; for example, they agreed to play with the strap of their watch, if they suspected anyone was stretching the truth.
Confident that they covered everything they needed to know for now, they decided to make after-work plans. Eddie suggested they go paintballing, but they didn't get a chance to solidify their plans since they were interrupted by Chief Adams who informed them that the files of their fellow 126 members were on the backseat ready to be reviewed by the trio.
Cora, Buck, and Eddie smiled like loons as soon as they looked at their respective files.
"Uncle Owen dragged TK down here." Cora said.
"My buddy Judd is down here too." Buck said.
"I'm sure I got a file meant for Cap, but my cousin Carlos is here." Eddie said looking at Cora showing her the APD file.
"So we all have family here? That will help. Wait! Buck don't you and Judd have this prank war going on?" asked Cora suddenly.
"Yeah, I always promised him to end it when we are in the same town."
"Well, you could always hit him with ONE water balloon ."

As they were approaching their final destination, Cora asked the chief to drop them off a block away from the station. Chief Radford chuckled as they were getting out of the car requesting to please not hurt anyone with their shenanigans.
After studying the files they quickly discussed what they were going to do. They decided that Buck and Eddie were going to sneak in through the back door. Buck was going to set up somewhere to drop the balloon on Judd. Cora was just going to walk in and unload their luggage not looking at the crew.


The 126 was freaking out by the amount of effort the Strands put into the pranks they were planning on pulling on the unknown transfers. They even roaped Carlos and the police Chief Adams into the shenanigans - they decided to do the ol' switch-a-roo.
Adams was going to be Captain Owen Strand. Judd would pass as his son T.K. Carlos became Paul, Paul became Carlos, Mateo and Tim switched roles, T.K became Judd, and Owen assumed the role of Chief Adams. Marjan declined to partake. Going on with their normal duties Chief Radford came in dropping some bags to the floor. When he saw his crew all he could think was that the trio would fit in perfectly. Little did the 126 know that the trio had also planned to mess with them in good fun.
5 minutes later
"This is Devil, I'm in position. Over."
"This is Phoenix, I'm in position. Over."
"Roger that boys. Over."
Cora walked into the firehouse in her uniform neat even if her hair and earrings were not. Chief Radford introduced her to the 126 as Lieutenant Daniels LAPD and told her she was going to be Officer Reyes' temporary partner. Eddie signaled that her new partner was not Officer Carlos Reyes. They were just moving on when they heard splashes from them followed by a shout. They all turned around and saw something hit an already wet Judd's head.

"Told you I'll end you Ryder. Mwahahaha." The voice said before a thud was heard a blond, blue eyed man with a black eye swiftly dropped to the ground.

"I told you you could use ONE water balloon! ONE! You disobey one more order and I'll wring your neck!"
"Eddie, Eds, Edmundo, is she being serious?" Buck asked as a brunette man walked into the station.
"Well..." Eddie started to reply to a terrified Buck and 126 "Neah man she is joking right now... But I still wouldn't test her. Hi I'm Eddie Diaz. Nice to meet you all. " Pointing to Buck he continued "That idiot over there is Evan Buckley. We are both with LAFD."
"I'm guessing the switch-a-roo won't work." Captain Strand said.
Cora chuckled and tackled T.K. and her uncle into a bear hug.
Buck made his way over to Judd for a proper meet and greet, while Eddie walked over to Paul and Carlos.
Chief Adams walked over to the lot and welcomed the trio to Austin.
"Okay, fun's over. Let's head up to the loft and I'll brief y'all. Members of the 126, Officer Reyes, you're off the roster for the next 3 hours, so let's get to it."

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