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Can I tell you a secret?
A lytle secret that keeps me within
Within me, deeply softly killing
To live again must unveil with regrets

Why the regrets may ponder
'Cos like the laughing stock became
A fool might have been to render
My fragile heart to one so lame.

Deep within my soul hurting
Must confess hurting pretty badly.
I crave for secession from this pain
More tired, more wriggle in web of tears

Imagine I a condolence visit pay
By 'em who knows not love
Behind a slander lurk to slash
That my garment of pride be rent

Like the morning glow she adorns
Warmth in her find, in another can't
Heaven on earth, behold such fragrance
She the sun in pocket, my bliss adores

Truly, I incomplete
For without this dove can't live
I'all rather stay put till love be fair
For her, her heart not my omelette.

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