Funeral and Past

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"He; he was a good man, Connor." Ramsey, one of the main leaders of the rebellion the ReneGade, said showing his emotion though the cracks of his voice. "Not only was he a brother to Davis, but he was one to all of us, maybe not by blood, but by being a member of the ReneGade." Ramsey then let out a chant and the group of young adults and teens chanted back. "He won't be forgotten." He finished, and there was a small wash of silence over them.

A few minutes passed, and Ramsey looked up and at the young people in front of him. "Donnovan is expecting you all back now. And Fawn," Ramesy looked at the youngest of them all; she was a short, and tiny girl, seventeen. The youngest member of the ReneGade now since Connor was gone.

Her ash blonde hair was long and it hung in front of her solid steel grey eyes, that intimidated a lot of people. She looked up at him, and barely met his eyes, her vision blurred with tears. "You get ten minutes." He said to her and she silently nodded, looking back down in shame. Ramsey gave her a fraction of smile before he sadly her to grieve.

The group slowly dispersed. The only people left were Fawn, her sister Alaska, one of her friends Schwoz and the twins Ryker and Rin. "You guys should get back to the house." Fawn spoke, her eyes now glued on the headstone. "Are you ok?" Schwoz asked, his eyes grazing the tattoos on Fawn's wrist and neck.

Fawn sighed heavily and looked down at her wrist where her soulmate tattoo was. If only Connor had lived long enough to find out who his was. But as fate would always have it, the people she gets close with die. He was sixteen for only seven months.

All Fawn could feel was shame, like his death was her fault. It actually was her fault. She was a lousy coward and ran when the guns got pulled and started firing. She would never tell Davis. He would hate her. She was a murderer. She'd already killed two innocent people.

Alaska looked sadly at her sister, but understood she needed time alone. "Come I'm guys" she said nudging her head to the exit of the cemetery. "Let's give her time." The twins nodded and followed her up the hill. Schwoz stayed behind, and put a comforting hand on Fawns shoulder. "You ok?" He asked and she didn't know how to respond. She didn't feel the slightest bit ok. She shook her head no. "I just need to say goodbye" she whispered. Schwoz didn't hear her she was so quite. But he knew what she said. "Ok, take all the time you need," Fawn sniffled. "Thank you," Schwoz gave her a weak smile then followed the rest of the group up the hill.

Fawn took a few staggering steps towards Connors grave but then soon fell to her knees being unable to control herself. "I'm sorry Connor. Please, please, find it in yourself to forgive me. It's my fault. I'm so sorry. And watch over Lily." She whispered the last part. Tears streamed down her face and she clutched her eyes closed. Flashes of Lily's tragic death played behind her eyes.

Lily was five when she died.

Fawn remembered that was when she had first become a part of the Mafia group the ReneGade. She and Lily were playing out in a field by the road, she turned her back for two seconds, and Lily had run out onto the road chasing a leaf... right as a car was zooming down the road. Fawn remembered how panicked she had gotten. She took out her crossbow and was aiming for the car but missed, and... hit Lily. The car swerved and crashed into a tree nearby, killing both the driver and the passenger. Connor was the only one who knew.

Now that secret would go to Fawns grave. She would never tell Alaska what actually happened. She told her it was an accident. She told her a completely different story. Some crap about them getting shot at. At least she bought it.

Fawn wiped her eyes with Connor's over sized sweater. He let her have it before he died. She looked down at her lap at the bouquet of Lilies and roses. She sniffed and took a single Lillie and placed it on her sisters grave that was next to Connors, before she placed the bouquet on his.

She gave Connor's grave one last look before she stood up. One single tear slipped down her cheek and plopped down on the top of the stone, before she turned around and walked up the hill.

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