Chapter 2

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The three figures who were lounging around the fire, flew up from their positions, staffs at the ready! What apparition could this be, charging into their camp.
The donkey burst into the camp and immediately came to an abrupt halt. It just stood there, head hanging down, with that dejected, forlorn look that all donkeys seem to have.
The shocked trio would have burst out laughing at being so alarmed by a mere ass galloping into their camp, were it not for the figure who clung to it's neck. Before they could subdue themselves into rational thinking....Joseph burst through the shrubs, breathing heavily and looking totally dismayed.
Joseph, possibly because he felt responsible for this intrusion, and completely out of his normal character, was the first to speak!
" Shalom, please forgive us, we did not mean to intrude on your privacy, but this beast of burden has a mind of it's own, deciding to make your camp it's destination."
The older of the three, apparent by his slight stoop of the shoulders, stepped forward. " Shalom my wary travellers. My name is Adriel and the two men behind me are my sons Ben and Yedaiah. We are levites, serving the local temple."
A very relieved Joseph answered. " My name is Joseph from the line of David and this is my wife, Mary" pointing to Mary, still seated on the donkey. " We are on our way to Bethlehem, to be registered, as is required of us. My wife is with child and if it is not too much to ask.....could we rest at your fire for a short while, then we will be on our way."
Adriel answered," Please, please my friends, come and sit, make yourselves comfortable."
Joseph helped Mary off the donkey and seated her near the fire. The three men, for the first time, could now see that Mary was indeed pregnant and very tired.
Joseph continued the conversation, " What pray are three levites doing here in the fields at night?"
Adriel answered," We are shepherds, but not ordinary shepherds. The flock we tend are bred especially for the temple as sacrificial lambs. We make sure they are healthy and without blemish, as the word of God decrees.
Joseph looks at Mary, who has been very quiet, she is fast asleep. He hasn't the heart to wake her, but they must be on their way.
" Thank you for your hospitality but as you can see, my wife is weary from travelling and we must be on our way to Bethlehem to seek shelter for the night."
Adriel replies," My friend I can see you are young and full of hope and I do not want to alarm you, but as you can see I have, with my wife, raised these two sons and a daughter and I can tell, your wife is in no condition to travel at present. Furthermore, we have heard reports today that the traveller's room in Bethlehem is full. So, may I make a suggestion; let us look after your wife and let her rest some more. Take your donkey and go to Bethlehem, it is not cannot see the lights as we are in a valley and the town is on a hill. Enquire there and make sure there is lodging for you and your wife. If there is, as I suspect, none to be found, then your wife will not have made the journey for nothing. One of my sons will go with you. He knows the way, even in the dark and for safety, two are better than one. What say you?"
Joseph as one can imagine is not happy to leave his wife with strangers even if they are levites. He gazes apon her sleeping form, heavy with child and guilt fills his being. He has asked much from her over the last few days and she never once complained. The least he can do is let her rest for a little while more.
He turns to the old shepherd, " It is hard to argue with experience and wisdom, let it be as you have said: Ben, Yedaiah, which one of you will forsake the comfort of your camp and fire and accompany me to Bethlehem this very minute?"

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