Chapter 4

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The scene around the fire, that greeted Joseph and Ben, falsely exuded an atmosphere of serenity.
Mary was sitting quietly on a sheepskin, looking much revived after finishing a bowl of broth the shepherds had shared with her after she had woken up. She had been having contractions but managed to keep her discomfort to low moans.
The old Shepherd was whittling on a stick, humming softly to himself. He had been counting to himself between Mary's moanings and hid his concern as the intervals grew shorter and shorter.
Yedaiah sat with his face in his hands, watching the fire.....and the water. He hadn't questioned his father when the old Shepherd had ordered him to put a pot of water on the fire and keep it hot but not to let it boil over.

Everyone was talking at the same time, asking questions, trying to answer, showing surprise, expressing disappointment!
Suddenly Mary's cry brought all conversation to a halt. Joseph rushed to her, to comfort her, but actually didn't know what to do. Adriel moved swiftly to Joseph's side, " Friend, your wife is having her final pains, we only have a short time to prepare. We are surrounded by caves that are ceremonially purified for the birth of the sacrificial lambs. There are fires prepared at the entrances, waiting to be lit, not only to ward off wild animals but to light up and warm the cave to minimise the trauma the lambs might experience. There are also swaddling cloths available, we wrap up the lambs after birth to prevent them from hurting themselves. They have to be without spot and blemish. We will take Mary to the nearest one
Joseph, Ben and Yedaiah, you will carry Mary. Lift her up and carry her on the sheep skins. My wife has sown them together, so they will be strong enough. I'm going to grab the hot water and salt, also a brand from the fire to light the way. I know the way...follow me. Quickly now!"

At the cave, the old Shepherd continued to take the lead. Mary lay on the sheep skins, sweat dripping off her face from the pain experienced during the last contraction.
Yedaiah brought in a manger, filled with new straw. Ben dissolved some salt in a container of warm water, ready to wash the baby of all blood and impurities, so that like the sacrificial lambs, the baby could be presented to the world clean and spotless.
Mary called Joseph to her, " Bring me my bag"
Joseph obeyed. Opening the bag, she removed what looked like a scarf and handed it to Joseph. " This is a gift from Elizabeth, it is the priestly shawl that her husband, Zechariah, used in the temple. When Jesus is born, do not let them use the swaddling cloths that they would use on the sheep, rather wrap him in this."
Joseph nodded. Mary felt the next contraction coming and instinctively knew this was it...the time had come. She looked into the old Shepherd's eyes, where he was standing nearby. Nothing was said but something exchanged between them. Adriel turned and spoke to Joseph. " Go and sit behind your wife, support her and hold her tight. The time for a miracle has come"

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