Chapter 3

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With Ben's guidance, and a renewed energy displayed by the donkey, they made short work of reaching Bethlehem. They stopped at the local stable, deeming it wise to leave the donkey there. At least the animal would be watered and fed....well deserved after it's journey of over 90 miles!  It would also be safer  as there would probably be unsavoury characters in town, who would think nothing of taking an unattended animal for themselves.
The stable was a hive of activity, completely full, with a rushed temporary erected hitching post outside. Young boys, acting as stable hands, were running up and down with pails of water and armsful of hay. The donkey looked content. But that was speculation, it only had one facial expression, and that always looked miserable!

Ben suggested that he and Joseph split up.  He had a few friends who lived nearby, and he would go to them and inquire if they possibly had any spare space for last minute visitors.  He suggested that Joseph try the traveller's room.  Perhaps there was a small chance of accommodation but he doubted it.
After thanking Ben for all his help, Joseph set off.  It wasn't hard to find the traveller's room, brightly lit with many lanterns and definitely the noisiest place in town.  At the entrance stood a portly fellow, with a stern look on his countenance, and a bulging money bag around his waist. Business was booming!
Addressing the man, Joseph enquired if there was any room for two people for night. The roomkeeper, a man of few words answered, "No".  Joseph asked again, pleading this time.
The man stepped backwards, and with a mock bow, waving his hand in the direction of the interior of the room, ushered Joseph inside.  His  expression of  'look for yourself' clearly visible.  Joseph looked inside, and after a moment to adjust his eyes, felt any hope he had left, melt away.
Traveller's Rooms, found in most towns, consisted of a large room or hall, where roughly made coir mattresses were placed on the floor.  Normally, a long wooden table with bench seats was placed in the middle of the area for eating purposes.  Smaller tables supporting jugs of water and basins for washing (only hands and face, as there was no privacy) were placed near the door or opening to the latrines.  Some rooms had a curtain strung across a portion of the room, to accommodate women and small children.

The scene that manifested itself to Joseph was one of complete mayhem.  The stale air and smoke filled interior was teaming with sweaty bodies in various poses.  Some trying to sleep, some trying to eat and most just trying to make themselves heard above the general noise level.
However disappointing his feelings, Joseph was certain of one thing....this was no place for his young bride, his young pregnant bride, no matter how complicated the circumstances surrounding her conceiving!
He turned around and bade a hasty exit.  The roomkeeper made the same mock bow as Joseph passed him, waving his arm in the other direction.  This time the look on his face said ' I told you so!'
Joseph slowly ambled back to the stable.  His inner self reprimanding his stubborn nature for ever undertaking this journey, especially with Mary in her condition.  He arrived at the stable and sat down next to the borrowed donkey.  He knew he would have to wait for Ben, who had more ground to cover.  Joseph watched as the ass munched away on the bale of hay.  He suddenly realised that it had been a long time since he last had anything to eat, his stomach confirmed that fact by loudly rumbling.
Ben eventually arrived.  Joseph knew instinctively by the look on his normally bright, smiling face, that no good news was in the offing.  He didn't even ask....Ben never offered, just shook his head.  Pausing, only long enough for both men to surface from their miserable state, they decided to walk back to the shepherd's  camp, leaving the donkey overnight at the stable, to be collected the following morning.

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