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It's scary to think that life as I know it will come to an end in a week.
I can't believe senior year is over already, it seems like just yesterday I was running up to Veronica after summer.
"Juggie?" I said cheerily opening the door to our parents house.
I got no response so I walked up to our room.
"Jug?" I opened the door to our room slowly, incase he was asleep.
"Fuck Betty. Baby this isn't what it looks like!" He yelled, guilt in his voice.
My eyes widened and my mouth went dry. I could already feel my eyes beginning to water.
"B, let us explain." Veronica said wrapping the duvet, MY duvet around her naked torso.
Without thinking I texted Archie to get here now.
Within minutes he arrived in a panic at my bedroom door.
"Betty are you okay? what—" before he could finish his sentence, he noticed his girlfriend, naked and in bed with his best friend.
"What the hell?" Was all he could get out.
I laced my fingers with his and leaned onto his arm, feeling empty and like I might pass out at any moment.
Jughead got up and rushed to me.
"How could you do this to me..?" I said through the tears that were running down my face.
He grabbed my hands and held them in his tightly.
"Betts, please forgive me.. I didn't mean it.." He said, fighting tears.
I pulled my hands away from him forcefully and grabbed Archie's arm tightly.
"For this, I will NEVER forgive you." I said with venom in my voice.
"I hope you enjoyed it, Veronica." I said, turning to look straight into the eyes of the girl who I trusted with everything.
"Because thats what people like you do, isn't it?"
"What do you mean B..?" She said crying now.
"Don't you dare cry." I spat at her.
"You two deserve each other. Really." I said, spitting the words out and smiling at them.
"You two fucking disgust me." Archie said, finally speaking.
"Betty please. If I could just—" jughead started but Archie stepped in front of me.
"Don't, Jughead. Don't come near her. Or me for that matter." He said to the tall raven haired boy.
Tears started cascading down jughead face as Archie held my hand and walked me out.
Just as we got down the stairs, my mom arrived home from work, along with FP.
"Hey honey are you hungry—- WHAT HAPPENED?!" She said rushing over and enveloping me in a flower scented hug.
I sniffle and hid my face in her neck.
"Check my b-bedroom." I said quietly crying.
She looked at me then FP before they both rushed up the stairs.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" both my mom and FP screamed.
"I'm so sorry Betts.." Archie said crying and hugging me tightly.
"I'm sorry too." I said, trying to fight my own tears.
Thank god it's only a week till high school ends. I don't think I could go any longer being at school with THEM.

Love isn't lost//BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now