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"Who matters the most to you right now?"
"Then hurry up and get going. You do your job. I can get out of here by myself"


The battle was over, they won. It was that simple. Misaki was ecstatic, they were victorious and Saruhiko was saved from that little green brat. They fought against him together, as in the old times, but better. There was hope for them again, and the redhead knew he will get back his best friend. He haven't felt this much joy in himself for a really long time. There is no way he will ever say it out loud, but he missed Saru, and after all those years he still cared for him. Just a few hours ago, waiting on the blimp, he felt the biggest dilemma of his life, as he tried to decide if he was wishing for Saru to open the doors, and give them a chance to save the human population from the chaos, or he should listen to a little voice inside him, the one that wished the blue clansman to become a traitor again, just so he would stay alive. Of course he would hate him for the betrayal, but at least he would be alive.

When he saw the entrance open, he knew that Fushimi is brave and a hero, and he is still his Saruhiko, he just never really belonged to Homra. He was proud on him, but the countdown has started for his life. He won't admit it, but he was afraid, and he doubted himself.

But now! Every single worry has left him as he rushed on his skateboard closer to the man in blue coat. He was standing on the edge of the crater, observing as the first explosions started, his men were busy around evacuating everyone from the area around them.

- Oh, Homra's vanguard, Yata Misaki - the Blue King turned to face the redhead when he finally arrived - I need to thank you. I heard you rescued Fushimi.
- Whatever - Misaki didn't need his gratitude.
He was the one who sent Saruhiko on a suicide mission because he lost against the Gray King in one against one fight, and he killed Mikoto-san. Fuck it, Misaki hated this man with every single cell in his body.
- Where is he? - The only reason he agreed to meet him was to find out where Saru is right now, probably they took him in a hospital.

He needed to see his ex-best friend. He wanted to share his happiness with him, the joy of victory. To take care of his wounds as in the old times, just be with him again, to normally talk with him after so much time they spent making each other's life hell. He knew it won't be like they were just like this, but it was a start. Back then... It was special; they weren't just friends, at least for Misaki it didn't feel like it. Of course Saruhiko would tease him for it, saying how such a virgin he is, they didn't even kiss. But friends doesn't sleep in the same bed every night, doesn't hold hands while they are watching some movie just two of them, and hell, Misaki was absolutely sure that there was no one on his friend group who would hug him from behind and place little pecks on his neck as he cooks for them. Not like he would even let anyone to do so, most likely he would beat the soul out of everyone who would try it, it was something only Saruhiko had the right to do, but he lost it too when he left.

- He isn't with Homra? - The King seemed surprised.
- No, he said he can make it out alone, and I still needed to clear the B9 .... - The recognition felt on the vanguard's chest as a heavy stone while his mind filled up with panic- He had a fucking knife in his leg! He didn't make it out yet?
The blue and the red looked simultaneously on the JUNGLE'S basis in the same time as it started to collapse, the concrete falling and breaking everything in its way with deafening sound, floor after floor.

- Saru! - Misaki didn't even realize he was the one shouting as he scorched to save his best friend.
He can't! Not after Totsuka-san, after Mikoto-san... Not Saruhiko! Never Saruhiko! Everyone else, just not Saru!

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