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"Two is better then one!" Mae told as Eliana hugged Mae.

"Now we are ready." Eliana told smiling at Melinda.

"Ready sis, to show her. What they don't ussaly see." Mae told as both nodded

"Don't ussaly see?" Melinda asked

"You see Ghost but, that's it. From the unknown or what makes many people scared." Mae told laughing

"Have you ever heard that there are far more that you can't see, what is out there?" Eliana told smiling as Mae smirked.

"Sounds familiar?" Melinda told laughing as Aiden and Andrea smiled

"For example that time when your friend Andrea, had a friend in the hospital and you helped the ghost who was a friend to the doctor, he told " You must tell him, what you can see is only half of what there is?" Eliana told smiling as Melinda looked shocked (Season 1: Episode 16)

"Yeah, he did. How did you knew?" Melinda asked

"Or when that comic book writer told his brother, that he couldn't even draw the light, even how talented he was." Mae contined as Eliana nodded as Melinda nodded as tears fall down her eyelid. (Season 5 episode 17)

"I did heard a few spirit told that to me, yet I never went to ask."

"Even that light you saw, when you helped the people trough the plane crash." Eliana replied

"Was nothing compared to what they saw." Mae told as both smiled giggeling

"Only the once who arrived there, like your Grandma, Andrea or those that has passed, has seen the full picture, well if they only accepted it." Eliana contined

"Even Jim at that time, even though he can't rememeber it but, he didn't enter only his brother and father saw the full image." Mae told smiling at Jim as Melinda smiled and Jim looked confused as Melinda smiled.

"I'll tell you later." Melinda told as Aiden and Andrea smiled

"Oh yeah!" As both of them hold hands.

"Wow!" Jim exlaimed

"Death is a gift as life, is a meaning." Both told smiling

"We are everywhere, you just don't see us, until we decided to make ourselves visible." Eliana told looking at her twin

"Even the watchers know about us, but can't see us." Mae replied laughing

"The four of you ready?" Both told as all looked confused execpt Jim, who blinked his eyes a couple of times, who admire what he is seeing with his family, in the living room.

Both of them grew wings and smiled

"Now we are angels, helping in heaven, thanks to you." Mae told laughing

"Good luck and remember, your not alone, there are more of us, who is always helping and looking out." Eliana told giggeling

"Like the Shinies we see." Andrea told as Aiden nodded

"Sort of, they are mostly children, who has already crossed over they are younger then 13. We calm them little Angels. Sometimes many kids can see them as a friend but, as they grow older they also lost their belive in them."  Eliana told as Mae contined

"Kids have a way beter belive and their hopes are way stronger then adults or teens, they are helping the children on earth and so far only you two can see them while growing older."


"Everything will work out just fine for all four of you and your friends, you are here for a reason, never doubt that, Melinda have a little faith." Both explained happily

"When will I see you two again?" Melinda asked

"When you are ready one day?" Mae told

"Or when someone you help sees the light, we are just on the otherside waving." Eliana told as Mae smiled. Melinda nodded wiping her eye.

"It's time for us to head back." Eliana told as Mae nodded

"Till we meet again." Mae told smiling.

"Parents are waiting." Both replied laughing as Melinda smiled at them

"Can we hug you, or spirit hug?" Eliana asked as all nodded.

"Sounds awesome." Mae yelled as all gatered around in a circle even Jim as the two sisters hugged each together.

"Were off." Mae told winking as Eliana waved

"Good bye Melinda, Jim, Aiden, Andrea. Thank you for everything, see you around." As both dissapeared into the light.

"Bye!" Aiden and Andrea yelled as Jim waved smiling.

"Thank you." Melinda told as tears fall down her eyes as Jim hold her and the two children and each side.

"This is gonna sound strange but, I saw them before they grew wings after they said that frase about "Death is a gift as life, is a meaning"."

"What?" Melinda asked as Jim wiped her tears

"They're amazingly beautiful, you have an amazing gift to see this." Jim told as he hugged Melinda kissing her forehead

Suddenly Charl appeared. "How was the visit?"

"Charl!" Both children yelled as Jim look at Melinda.

"Still can't see him. "

"That's because those two are visible to anyone who is in the area, after they are ready."

"Why weren't you here?"

"That's beacuse those angels have a diffrent mission. We didn't even knew what they wanted to say to you. Even the Shadows are sometimes scared of them, yet they know when to go. And we are not allowed to interfere untill they're gone. If they visit you, that means you were chosen for the answer, which is needed to help."

"Wow, that sounds special." Andrea told as Aiden nodded.

"What did he say?" Jim asked as Aiden and Andrea filled him while Charl and Melinda talked futher.

"Rememeber what they said, that's what lies there. And remember his name. That is a tough one that lies ahead." Charl told smiling

"Thanks to them we are ready, for what the furture hold." Melinda told as Jim, Aiden and Andrea nodded holding hands.

"A family in one." Charl replied smiling looking at the family infront of him.

"Is stronger then one." All four exlaimed happily. As Jim hugged Melinda and Aiden hold onto his father while Andrea held onto her mother.


The Picture is 8 year old Andrea...

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