Chapter 1: The First Day

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This place looks even better than in the pictures.

"Woah..." I breathe in amazement, stopping for a moment to gaze at the beautiful building. Two large rectangle-shaped parts branch off on either side of a lower part of the building. The whole school looks as if it is almost completely made of windows. I continue to walk again, but still stare up into the beauty before me, barely acknowledging the other students milling around me.

I can't believe I got into this place. Finally, all of my hard work has paid off!

My eyes flit over the other students walking up the wide pathway. Such a wide variety of quirks and abilities, but we're all here. Working towards the same goal.

I finally make my way to the bottom of the steps leading up to the school. I stand there for a moment, observing the splendor of the school

I remember this part. My mind echoes. It's then that I recall the first day I came here.


My brother, shining in his new uniform, his smile the light that had guided me for so many years.

My father, patting him on the shoulder, congratulating him.

My mother, tears in her eyes, hugging him, telling him how proud she was.

Little did I know those tears were for me too.

I remember hugging him, holding onto his hand, making him promise me that he would tell me everything that happened.

I didn't realize that promise would never be fulfilled.

As he walked through the magnificent glass doors, his head high, that's when it hit me for the first time.

He wasn't coming back.


"Ouch!" I'm abruptly pushed forward. Luckily, I have a good balance, so I'm able to keep myself upright.

"Sorry! Didn't realize you were there!" a voice calls out from behind me. After I right myself, I turn around.

A girl with pink skin and black eyes faces me. She has a leopard print backpack and wears her uniform a bit more loosely than most of the other kids I've seen around. 

Her gaze is apologetic, but I catch a glint of amusement in her eyes. But not the same look that some passive-aggressive girls have when they 'accidentally' trip you. Or push your lunch off the table. Or splatter ink all over your assignment. No, definitely she has more of a friendly aurora. 

"It's fine, don't worry about it," I say with a small smile. She falls into step behind me as we begin the ascent up the stairs. 

"So, what's your name?" she questions exuberantly, seeming to have completely forgotten about the accident we hand only seconds ago.

"Annastasia Kiyo. Yours?" I reply as my eyes flit over my surroundings. We've entered the school by now. Practically all of the walls are glass. I like that. Natural lighting is key to a good work environment.

"Ooo, unique! Mine's Mina Ashido." she says, waving her hand. I laugh. 

We approach a desk where there are a couple of staff members handing out schedules. Crowds of students pass by, shouting and laughing. The teachers do little in an attempt to prevent the behavior.

"Names, please?" A woman with black-rimmed glasses inquires as soon as we've reached the desks.

"Ashido and Kiyo." Ashido pipes up. If it was anyone else, I would be irritated, but I can tell that she means no harm. 

To Ashes //My Hero Academia OCWhere stories live. Discover now