Chapter 1

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The warm crisp air fell upon the Earth as the moonlight bounced off her skin, shining bright through the window of her bedroom as she stared out of it viewing the gardens below.

"How beautiful and infatuating," Amara spoke the words as she brought her hand up to the pressed it against it so lightly. "And how boring and dull here." She let out a breath and removed her hand from the glass and turn away from the view of the lovely old garden, that her grandmother takes pride.

She does not want to be stuck inside,
She wishes to be outside, and She's not referring to just at the garden or the fields.

No, Amara wants to go further than that, and not just to her city, She wants to adventure on her own a little further away. away from the pampered spoiled life that she's lived all her life, Away from the perfectness, Away from–

"Come in," Amara spoke, letting the other know who knocked on the door on the other side to come in.

"Mia signora, ( My lady,)" Aldo, Her family's Butler spoke, as he slowly opened the door and peeped his head through.

Aldo has been with her family long before she was even born, hes a tall dashing man in his 40s, He always wears a black & white tailored suit with his short black hair slicked back, And his small black mustache combed and at the ready always.

He is her closest companion and greatest friend in this life, hes always been there for her when she needs him most; and someone even say he is her partner in crime, So to speak.

"Aldo," She smiled a warm welcoming one, as she cupped her hands in front of her. "What may I do for you?"

"You're Υιαγιά και παππού ( Grandmother and grandfather) have told me to inform you that they are going to a party, for this evening and they will not be back until later." He informed her, standing straight and tall as he did and Amara had to fight back a smile as an idea popped to her mind.

"If they're going to be away for a while, perhaps maybe I can go out." She thought,

"Alright, and thank you for informing me, Aldo." She said, before quickly adding. "When will they be leaving?"

"They have already gone, ma'am." He answered, and Amara couldn't help but feel a little sad that they did not come and tell her themselves though, she understands why they are very busy people what with the family business, and everything.
and after what happened yesterday, she still not in good eyes with them.

But it wasn't really her fault I mean;
how was she supposed to know to not bring up the Three Husbands that miss Bruno has had?

Not that there's anything wrong with that, Amara was just trying to make conversation with the woman.

"Alright then, thank you." Amara told Aldo, letting him know he could leave now if he wanted.

"Is there anything you need from me before I leave Mia signora?" He asked softly with a warm smile.

Amara smiled, "No, but thank you, Aldo."

He nodded, "of course Mia signora," With that, he turned on his heels and opened the door and with one final look and smile he shut it, leaving the young lady in her room.

As soon as the door shut Amara was booking it to her closet and quickly stripping out of her night clothes, and throwing on a pair of Black straight cut jeans, A black belt, a white loose and flowing buttoned up dress shirt, that she tucked slightly in the front of her jeans a brown loose leather jacket, and to top it all off, A pair of black dress boots.

"This outfit shouldn't draw too much attention, and it should be fitting for the night." She thought, before rushing out of the closet and heading to her bathroom and quickly putting on some perfume, Lavender and vanilla of course then brushing her hair before putting it in a quick and simple braid, and tying it at the end with a little black ribbon.

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