|Bonus Chapter #11: Dustin|

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Dustin didn't know what to do. He was caught in a conflict that he didn't know how to fix. Then again, he had never been good at conflicts.

"It's quite simple Dustin, I want you to stop partying if you want this relationship to work." 

He stared into the eyes of his current girlfriend Hydrangea. He just called her Gea for short. She was his sixth girlfriend since his nasty break up with Persephone. But Gea is the one he had stayed the longest with... and the only one who had done this.

"Gea, it's not like I'm cheating on you. I leave the girls alone who flirt with me. I enjoy partying as much as you enjoy gardening." He stared at her.

He had found her near the brink of death. With guilt of being a survivor she had been doomed to end up in hell. Something about Gea just seemed pleasant to him. She wasn't overbearing like the rest of them had been and willing to let him live his life... until now.

Dustin bit his lip. "Gea, I'm willing to talk if you tell me why you want me to stop going out partying. This isn't really like you." Dustin watched her.

He hated the helpless feeling he felt. He didn't want to stop the parties he went to, but he didn't want to lose Gea. Most of the others he'd have showed them the door. But something about Gea excited him. Dustin had it bad for her.

Gea watched him. "You spend more time partying than you do with me, and that's upsetting me. I want to be important in your life and it seems as if partying is more important than me."

He watched her liking that trait. Unlike most females Gea always spoke what is on her mind instead of bottling it in. Of course, this is what led to this little 'argument' between the two of them on partying.

"Gea, partying is not more important than you. I like you Gea, I like you a lot. I wouldn't let you live with me if I didn't." His eyes swept over the suite he owned. It cost him a pretty penny but when you're the prince of hell that didn't matter.

Now that he could come out freely and not worry about being sucked back to hell, he made sure to get a foot holding in the world. He started with the suite. The suite he had was designed for luxury like something off a five-star cruise but better.

And he let Gea stay there with him. Prior to that she had been leaving in a little one-bedroom apartment. It took some talking but he finally got her to move in.

"It doesn't feel like it though. You always leave me here when you go and party. The suite is beautiful but when you're gone it gets lonely." Dustin watched her biting his lip. 

"Gea, you can come with me if you want. I can also limit how many parties I go to as well. I don't want you to leave Gea much less our relationship end." Dustin leaned forward and grabbed her hands smiling at her.

She froze up underneath his gaze like she always did. When trapped beneath that smoldering gaze, she was nothing more than putty in his hands. She'd do whatever to please him. 

"So, Gea baby we can figure this out. Let me order us some food and we can sit down and talk and get everything out on how we feel." Dustin smiled at Gea.

Her plan went down at that point. She should've known this would have been how it ended up. Dustin was a master of words and seemed quick to want to bargain. But she did get the answer she had wanted out of him.

He cared for her. And Gea had every intention to go rub it into that bitch's face who showed telling her cared for no one.

She had proved her wrong cause Dustin cared for her. In his own weird way.

665. Six girlfriends later Dustin finds someone he can settle down with. To anyone wondering it was the original ex Persephone who showed up. Fun fact: Persephone was a fan man dedicated character. I had been making characters for friends. The one fan however got a bit on my nerves as she thought I should make Persephone more badass than Isabella and switch the entire spotlight over to her. So, I simply took the idea and ran with it minus the hunter and badass part. Hope you guys enjoyed! Until next time fun marshmallows!

 Hope you guys enjoyed! Until next time fun marshmallows!

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