|Bonus Chapter #10: Maryse|

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In the time Maryse had been alive she had never been certain of her purpose. The purpose of a hellhound had always been to serve. Her masters had never been the same and changed constantly being passed around like a prized broodmare until she ended up with the violent Helkin. That was the master who changed everything.

Maryse didn't even have a proper name until that one died and she showed up at her new masters door. The angry yet terrified teenage girl, the former vessel of Satan.

Isabella gave her a name and slowly purpose. She saw her job being protecting Isabella and helping her in whatever way she could. Whether it be mauling the supernatural they hunted or comforting her when she felt sad and helping her throughout life.

Her purpose came through the now silver eyed woman. In return for being loyal Isabella gave her all the love. And even when she was allowed on earth to go where ever she pleased Maryse couldn't bring herself to leave even though Isabella would let her.

She had come attached to the girl and even her boyfriend. However what really began to keep her there was when her master came home with the two babies. As per hospital call since they had no idea Maryse was actually a hellhound she was given a blanket that held each of them.

Maryse couldn't help the curiosity when she watched the two babies. Maryse found herself sleeping underneath their crib quite often instead of in bed with Dalton and Isabella. Not that Isabella minded. She was thrilled at the way Maryse had taken to them. 

Maryse should've known that the little girl would be quite the firecracker with matching eyes like Isabella's a silvery-blue hue to them. As if drips of blue had been put in the silver of her eyes.

Maryse always watched them and would sit with them as they grew up. She watched them first go to school, she watched them do everything. Right down to Della get a temper worse than Isabella. The only difference being Della knew how to work it way better than Isabella ever did.

Maryse spent her moments with either Isabella, Della, or Della's twin watching them. She never felt the need to venture into the world like most had done. She didn't even get much cravings to drag souls down.

Although if Isabella went out to be the immortal Maryse was always with as the intimidating force. Nothing like a hellhound standing behind the only immortal left.

Although Maryse knew her life was about to get much more interesting when she saw Della walk through the door with the redheaded male werewolf in tow. He had the same look Dalton had when he had met Isabella and trailed behind her.

"Della are you sure we should be doing this? Won't your mom get mad if we hack her laptop?" He asked.

Maryse followed them interested.

"She won't know unless you tell, your not going to tell right?" Della asked turning around smiling at him and biting her lip while she did it. Maryse watched as he nodded and smiled at her.

Della hugged him in response.

"See now lets see what exactly this person is doing in this territory and what they have been up to." Della said as she opened her moms laptop and Maryse leapt up on the bed.

Another adventure was beginning and Maryse would be damned if she got left out of it.

569. Yes Isabella had twins. Della will be eventually getting her own story with mystery redheaded boy (take a guess on who's his dad in the comments) where they go and try to be all big and bad. Lets just say Della makes Isabella look like an angel and uses her looks to her advantage. Hope you guys enjoyed the double update! Until next time happy marshmallows.

 Hope you guys enjoyed the double update! Until next time happy marshmallows

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