chapter 5

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a/n: i cannot stress this enough, but please comment more! :( i wanna see y'all interact and connect with me and my story. thank you ❤️

After two ours of flying, the plane finally landed. I was finally in NYC. This is for you, mom.

I remembered I had to wake Justine up so I shook her shoulder lightly, but she didn't wake up. I shook her again, but she still didn't wake up. We were the last two on the plane and it was getting awkward still being here while everyone was departing. So I pulled her hair lightly.

"Agh!" She exclaimed. "My bundles."

"Was the only way to wake you up." I remarked.

"Appreciate your boldness." She said as we bother departed from our seats and grabbed our luggage.

We left the airplane and I followed her to the NYC airport which was about a 5 minute journey and we stopped once we got to the center.

All of a sudden, she spoke. "So where are you staying?"

"I was planning on staying with my uncle, but my dad says he isn't coming back to work until 2 so I'm going to have to wait here."

"You're not staying here til' 12." She said.

"What?" I questioned genuinely confused. "What do you mean?"

"You're coming with me." She smiled. "You can stay with me. I have an extra room in my apartment."

"Are you serious?" I questioned.

"Yeah." She smiled. "Unless you think I'm some serial killer with a devious plan to murder you."

"Even though we just met, I trust you." I laughed. "I think the two of us will be very good friends."

"Me too." She said.

"Well anyway," I said changing the topic. "How are we gonna get home?"

"Uber of course." She said monotonously. "He'll be here in 15 minutes."

"Nice!" I said. "I'll text my dad and uncle to let them know."

Surprisingly, my dad was cool with me sharing an apartment with someone I just met.

Anyway, I stood patiently for about 10 minutes as Justine was talking with someone on the phone.

When she got off the phone, she approached me to tell me that our Uber was finally here. So we walked to the exit of the airport to find our Uber. His name was supposedly Johnny and had a 2017 Nissan Rogue.

Finally, we found him a him and he greeted us. The whole car ride him, me and Justine made actually engaged in a good conversation.

At the end of the ride, Justine and I tipped the man a total of $12. "Thank you, ladies!" The man said as he kindly took our money.

"Well. We're here." Justine said as she and I got out of the car with our luggage.

She lived in the stereotypical NYC apartment. It was gorgeous though. Colorful, stairs to guide you, and trees and bushes surrounding the area.

After staring for so long I finally said something. "I love it. It's great."

"Well, come on in." She said as we walked the stairs into her home.

She opened her door and I was in awe. Her home was beautiful. She lived on the very top of the apartment complex, so there were two giant windows that shared a view of the gorgeous city. The walls were white with furniture that was baby blue and white. Everything was organized. One nice tv in the center. Lamps in the right places and clocks in the right places.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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