chapter 1

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A/N: please leave comments :) also, keep in mind that this is my first time ever writing a story on here so please bare with me cause I suck lol


"You have no idea how proud I am of you, baby girl." My father smiled at me. "I'm sure your mother would be very proud, too."

"Thank you, dad." I smiled back.

My mother. God, I'd do anything for her to be here right now. She was my rock. She was my everything. She had died in a car accident around the time I was around 5 years old. She was 29. Very young. She motivates me every day to work hard for the future she never had.

Anyway, today was the day I had graduated from the University of Southern California. I had just received my degree in business from the Marshall Business School, and honestly, it felt staggering. This was one of the top business schools in the country, so I felt a sense of prestige as I graduated on the Dean's List. These past 4 years of hard work really paid off.

"Dad, I think those are enough photos." I laughed. I had no idea my dad was still taking pictures of me the entire time. Typical black dad.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweatheart." He laughed. "You just look so beautiful right now and today is such a special day. It's important we capture this moment." He rambled.

"Heh. Gotcha, but I think I'm good now." I laughed as he awkwardly smiled.

"Man, what's the time? 2:45? Sorry, Devyn, I've got some business to handle at work right now. Go catch up with your friends! You haven't spoken to anyone else besides me." He says as he rushes to his car.

"Alright, dad. Love ya!" I yell as he drives off.

"Hey, Devyn!" My good friend, Niki, shouts out of nowhere as I jump in surprise and fall down. Luckily, I made the right decision to not wear heels today so I was fine.

"Oops, girl! You straight?" She asks jokingly, yet concerned.

"I'm good." I give a sarcastic smile.

Niki was one of the first friends I made here at USC. She was on the women's volleyball team and a business major as well. We had met in our Microeconomics course and were paired as partners for a group project. Ever since then, we had become very close. People like her were why I truly cherished USC.

"So, how are you feeling, Mrs. Dean's List?" Niki joked.

"Amazing. And how are you feeling, Mrs. Trojan Volleyball MVP?" I joked.

"Fantastic." Niki laughed. "I'm so proud of us."

"Yep. I remember when we were sophomores and Professor Ogden made us do that stupid business plan project. He gave everybody an 88 cause his lazy ass didn't wanna admit that he was too lazy to grade them." I said, irritated.

"We freaking pulled an all nighter over that shit. Screw him." She agreed. "It's whatever, at least we won't have to deal with any professors like him again cause we're grads."

"Yessir, Niki." I hollered. "Class of 2020!"

"You know it." She grinned. "Well anyway, there's gonna be a grad party at Kevin's new place tonight. It's from 7 to who knows how long tonight. Me and the volleyball girls are gonna be there. You interested?"

Kevin. Kevin Porter Jr. Also known as my ex boyfriend. One of USC's finest basketball players. A soon to be first round pick in this summer's NBA draft. A 6 foot 4 brown-skinned masterpiece sculpted by God himself. Sounds amazing, right? Girls love him. That's why he cheated on me, but I'm over it. I'm over him.

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