Chapter 11 : Broken pieces

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You can't heal a wound by saying it is not there

We want that touch from the ones we love almost as much as we need to breath


Amelia's Pov

The next morning I woke up drowning in my own sweat. The nightmare I had last night was much more intense. I leaned to the bedstand to look at the time. It was 12:00 am. I sighed getting up. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I dried myself and wore gray sweatpants and oversized white t-shirt. I tied my raven hair in a messybun.

I went downstairs to the kitchen something smelled good. I love breakfast. It is my favourite meal.

"Morning Carla" I mummbled.

"Morning hun. Did you sleep well?" She smiled up at me.

" Yeah I am okay" I lied.

" Mhmmm..... that smells good" I said grapping a pancake form the spatula.

She hit my hand shooing me away. "Stop it. It will be ready in a minute you can eat then " she warned.

"Pretty please" I gave her my best puppy eyes.

"Alright only one more" she gave in.

I grinned taking two pancakes.

" you little brat come back here" Carla scolded angry.I giggled escaping from her.

"Carla your food is perfect. I can't help it" I pouted. She sighed smiling.

"Am honey do you want to talk about yesterday ? "She asked concerned.I tensed up at her question. She looked at me expecting answer.

" Look Carla I don't want to talk about yesterday" I said coldly remembering the events that occured.

" ok hun I understand it is diffcult but I am here if you need to talk" she gave a side hug.

" thank you carla" I smiled hugging her back.

" Hello ladies" lily yelled enough for us to her from the front door. The familiar sound of Lily Mackenzie making an entrance. She always makes herself visible. She makes sure people know she walked in to the place. Carla rolled her eyes at lily's dramatic entrance making me chuckle.

She filpped her hair twerling it with her finger. Her black hill boots clicking.

" Hi lil" I said.

"So what's breakfast ?" She asked coming to us.

She wore her signature red lipstick. Her marvelous red hair falling in to soft curls. Her tight leather pants and her red crop top gave her a badass heartbreaker look. She looks elegant as always.

" Pancakes,bacon ,salad" I said listing.

" I'm going to eat the salad. I don't want to add carbs in to my body." lily frowned.

" You know this pancakes taste really good" I said and munched my pancakes making the 'mhmm' sound trying to make her jealous but this tasted really good no doubt about that.

" Not every has a perfect body like you without trying" she rolled her ocean blue eyes at me.

" I don't have a perfect body. I am fat" I scoffed.

" That's what every girl says sweety" she snickered wiggling her perfect shaped eyebrows from side to side.

" Anyways How are you doing? Do you feel better now?" Lily asked in a serious tone.

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