Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Shizune Hanari. She was what they called 'A Queen Bee' of Ken's class. She always carried an air of pride around her and was on the highest tier of their class's hierarchy. She was always followed by a bunch of girls who weren't her friend but her followers. Ken and Kai had always hated people who took too much pride in themselves so, they naturally disliked Shizune. Once when a boy had mustered his courage to confess his feelings to her via a letter, she simply took the letter from him, spat the chewing gum she was chewing in it and threw it in the dustbin, her only response was, "A guy like you, don't even dream about it". The guy had been the laughing stock of the class for an entire week before he changed schools. Both Ken and Kai sympathized with the guy and felt disgusted with Shizune.

But Shizune had other thought. Shizune had seen Kai playing soccer and had since he was attractive had shown interest in him. When she approached him, "Mizuki Kun I'll let you have coffee with me"

Kai with his full dosage of Kainess said, "Yeah, sure in your dreams"

Shizune was red with embarrassment, no guy no matter how handsome had rejected her. Therefore, this being her first rejection she was furious, "Did you just reject me? I'll make your life miserable; I'll leave you with no friends", she shouted

Kai coolly said, "I think you are just a simple frail girl inside; you're trying to armour that with that forced air of pride, be yourself then think about going on a date with me"

Shizune was about to say something but Kai cut her off, "Oh, and you'll leave me friendless? That's impossible"

When Kai made this statement, Ken hugged him from behind and challenged Shizune, "You'll make me unfriend him, how exactly?", when they got no response from her, they high-fived each other and left.

Shizune knew she had to feel angry but strangely she didn't instead she found admiration for Kai.

From that day onwards she always tried to convey her feelings to Kai, after every soccer game Shizune would compliment Kai, she gave him chocolates on valentine's day and whenever he was around, she gave up her air of pride. But Kai just didn't get her feeling or he was knowingly trying to unsee it. Therefore, she felt irritated not because Kai didn't understand her feelings but because the new girl had managed to get so close to Kai in just a few months. They were always together during breaks, classes, and even though Saichiba was with them she didn't feel threatened with her. She was only concerned with Hana.

So, Shizune decided she would make Hana's life in school miserable and force her to quit school, and her Mom had given her the perfect opportunity.


Two weeks had passed since Hana's vacation was over. Morning when she reached the school gate, she met Ken

"Good Morning", she slapped his back from behind

"Oh, Hana Chan Good Morning"

"So, aren't you and Kai always together? Where is he?"

"He had to leave early for some art club stuff"

"I see"

When they reached the hallway, they saw some of their classmates outside the classroom. One of them looked towards them and made a silent comment while the other shook his head. Hana wasn't sure whether she was the subject of discussion or Ken. When she entered the class, everyone got silent and looked at her, some with sympathy others with disgust. Then everything made sense to her. She received the shock of a lifetime. On the blackboard, in a big handwriting was written


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