Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Ken and Kai had been following them for quite some time now, and Ken's suspicion was growing by the minute. They visited the mall. First of all, they visited an accessory shop, where Hana tried on a piece of ornament and asked him (Ken's nemesis) his opinion. Next, they visited a showroom, and the guy purchased a cap (cool choice Ken thought). Finally, they visited a book store, where Hana bought the newest serialization of "Bright-Sided Love" (Ken took note of that). After they exited the mall, they started moving towards the main traffic point where they took a sudden turn, Ken and Kai lost them. Ken was looking around trying to locate them when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

"Have you not followed us long enough?", it was the guy who was with Hana

"Ken Kai, what are you two doing here?", Hana questioned

"Oh, so you know them"

"OH, Hana Chan what a coincidence", Kai said confidently

"Crrrrrazy meeting.... You heeere..", Ken stuttered

"Hana, won't you introduce them to me?", the guy enquired

"Oh yeah right, guys this is Nakashi Oda, Naka Kun they are Ken and Kai, my friends"

Nakashi held out his hand, "Pleasure meeting you"

Both shook his hand, "Same here", said Kai, Ken said nothing.

"How do you know each other?", Ken asked

"Oh, Hana San and I have known each for quite long", said Nakashi

"We go back quite a lot, huh?", Hana punched his arm

"That is not what I meant to ask", Ken had clenched his fist in frustration

"So, are you two seeing each other?", Kai cut to the chase

"Oh no, it's nothing like that but we do share a special bond", Nakashi said

"Kai Kun, why were you following us?", Hana

Fuh, "I thought I had diverted her attention", Kai thought, "We were worried something shady could happen"

Nakashi laughed, "Do I look that creepy?"

"Oh no, we were worried about you knowing Hana...", Kai could barely complete his sentence when Hana's fist barraged his skull. Nakashi had a heartier laughter.

"Why don't we all go and have lunch together?", Nakashi suggested, and so all of them visited the nearest McDonalds. After a satisfying meal, they all visited the river bank as Hana felt like to. Before reaching there, Kai pulled Ken aside and said, "I'll distract Hana, you clear your doubt with that guy", Ken nodded. Kai knew Ken would have many sleepless nights if the doubt wasn't clear and indirectly it would affect him too because he was sure Ken would call him midnight, as he always did whenever he was in a fix.

"Hey Hana Chan, come out here there's something important I have to tell you", Kai called out to her.

Once the guy and Ken were alone, Ken gathered his courage and asked him, "Do you and Hana like each other?"

Nakashi looked at him and answered, "Yeah"

Ken was broken

"But not in the way you're thinking", Nakashi added, "I like her as a friend and vice versa"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm gay"


"Yup the kind who likes guys, so you don't have to worry"

"Hahaha... why why should I... worry?"

"Common even I can tell you like her"

"Is it that obvious?", Ken asked curiously


"So how come she doesn't realize?"

"She is thick, don't worry it'll take her some time but she will"


There was a moment of awkward silence before Nakashi asked him, "Why didn't you react when I said I'm gay?"

"Oh, sorry should I have reacted?", asked Ken with confusion

"Oh no, it's just that other guys give me a disgusted look when they find out"

"Yeah, I was surprised when you admitted so easily, but do not count me with those other guys. I'm not someone who will hate you for your preference. I've been brought up in a way where I've been taught not to judge people by their appearance nor their preference but by their character", Ken said in his cool boy way

"I see, now I understand why Hana is so frank with you"

"What do you mean?"

"You see Hana isn't comfortable around guys, except for a few and even with those few, it takes time. But she's known you for only a few months but she's quite frank with you. I guess it's because of your nature"

"Thank you"

"Not denying are we eh?", Nakashi teased him

"I've also been taught to take complement when it comes and to give it back too, so here's it, you're quite real too"

"Haha, nice"


"So, what do you like about my Hana?"

Ken was hesitant at first but answered, "Well I like her lips, eyes, but most importantly her spirit. She's quite a brave girl and fights for what she thinks is right, at least that's what I've deducted"

"Wow, how romantic, but yeah now I know you do like her huh?"

"How did you deduct that?"

"Well Hana's strength you were talking is true, I've experienced it personally. I won't go deep but, in the past, I was too conscious to accept who I was, but Hana gave me the strength to step out of the closet. She gave me a lesson that the present is sure because the future is uncertain. She told me not to worry about consequences that may not happen, and to do what feels right when you are true"

"Yeah", Ken found new strength surge within himself, "Yeah do what you feel is right"

"You seem to understand, by the way, is your friend over there single? He's hot"

"Oh yeah and trust me he's your type"

"All right I'll go talk to him"

"Okay, please send Hana over"

"Sure thing"

Once Hana was close by, Ken said, "Hana are you interested in anyone?"

"Huh? oh no"

"Ken was both relieved and disappointed at the same time. But he remembered Nakashi's words and bravely declared, "Good, I'll change that by the end of this year"

Hana said nothing and in the distance, a cringed Kai screamed Ken's name.

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