Chapter 5

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The next day I was early for class... we love a punctual bitch haha

I saw Kali at the entrance along with the athletes... specifically Chaze and Brylle, they were happily talking, except Brylle... then I saw a grumpy Ivan

Kali came up to me with a hug,

"Ok Brook so I know you know Chaze, but it wasn't a proper greeting... I swear he is not what you think he is"

I looked at him up and down... and I was surprised to see him flinch a little

"We'll never know, but nice to meet you... Jane Brooklyn"

Someone was tugging my arm from the other side to see Ivan... he pulled me to a more secluded area

"I'm not liking the vibe of that guy" he said with a stern look

"I'm not the one to judge so stop acting like that, when you aren't even official" I said and walked away

When I went back to them the bell rang

"Well we I have to go Sofia, see you later" he said and walked away

"Hmm he calls you by your first name, anything between you two?"

She became red, flustered even... that's weird I never received this reaction from other boys I teased her with

"What? What are you talking about?… you're talking nonsense.... we should go to class" she said rushing to our classroom

Class started nothing weird happened except for Stephen going up the table slut dropping then winking at Ivan (again no hate towards the LGBT)

Lunch time came and I was with Bianca and Ella since Kali said she needed to help the our juniors

Since we finished lunch early we went to the basketball court to see atheletes playing... I wasn't really paying attention to the game umtil I saw the players

It was our section against Chaze's... but that's not the weird thing... Brylle and Ivan looked especially heated up but not against each other but against Chaze... it actually looked like an actual game

"Hey guys, I finished early and looked everywhere for you guys only to find you where I least expect it" she said pouting and sitting next to me

"Sorry but check out the game"i said still watching the game... she then averted her gaze to the game and became interested but her eyes looked at one specific person only, Chaze

Before we knew it the game became known to other levels and it became an official game... we began cheering for our level but Kali remained quiet

"Hey why aren't you cheering it's an exciting game" I said nudging her

"I dont know who to cheer on" I looked at her with a smirk

"My literally small Kali likes someone" she became flushed and tried to turn my attention to the game again...

When I looked back Chaze made a 3 point shoot which made the other side roar with cheers

Brylle then took the ball from Chaze and passed it to Ivan... Chaze's team mates began to surround him which resulted to him passing the ball back to Brylle but before he could get the ball Chaze stole it which made the other side roar again but this time including Kali

"Go Chaze!!!" He cheered loudly which took him and the rest of the players off guard... he then sent her a wink and a smirk which made her blush

The game continued but two players were completed distracted now, Ivan and Brylle

After some time the game ended with Chaze's team winning.... but we became a good sport and accepted our loss

We went to our classes and started class still talking about the game

Dismissal came and we had a short practice but something was wrong, with Chris specifically

"The performance is in two days so we only need to polish, but you guys can leave now" Chris said and dismissed us

"Brook, can I talk to you" He said sitting on the floor... I sat down next to him

"Sure, What happened?" I asked softly

"It's Cherry, she is getting out of hand right now... although we are in good terms, she takes everything negatively... and sometimes threatens a break up" he said getting teary (BOYS HAVE FEELINGS TOO)

I began to caress his back as an attempt to calm him down

"It's okay Chris, you'll get through it... I think she just needs to have some time to comprehend things... but you guys will be alright" I said hoping it helped him

He then nodded and picked up his stuff... we should go someone is waiting for you outside

I was confused, who would?

We walked out of the practice room and immediately I saw Ivan

"What are you doing here, Kali left already" I said... "I need someone to talk to, I'm feeling things I shouldn't feel because it just isn't right… it's like something choking me... It's fucking suffocating" he said while punching the wall multiple times which left a dent

"And that my friend is jealously" I took the hand he used to punch and saw some scratches... "come here let me treat your wounds" he obliged not wanting to argue with anybody... he winced in pain as I cleaned it with alcohol

"You know I can't really get mad at how you are feeling. You're not really in the place to get mad. But you're human you have feelings, and you are allowed to express, and feel it... I just hope you don't hurt yourself while having feeling for her" I said finishing up with his wounds and smiled softly at him

"Thanks Brook you're really caring, even for a jerk like me... I wonder who your future boyfriend will be" he said

"First of all you are not a jerk... second of all nobody is interested in me and I am not interested in anybody" I said pulling up my hood in an attempt to look SWAG

"Sure keep telling yourself that" he said the ruffled my hair

We then walked home together joking around

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